Sunday, July 26, 2009

Purse Holder

Ok - I'm generally not much for trendy little things such as bejeweled cell phone holders and what not -- but check this out.

My Mom picked this up for me a few months ago and I have to admit that I LOVE it!!
It's a purse holder that when you're out -- keeps you from putting your purse on the ground or on the back of your chair.

I carry a lot of junk around in my purses and it still holds it. Little boutiques and what not generally carry them. If you see one I highly recommend you get it.

Well, off to bed I go. Ready to take on another week!


SASS said...

I love this idea! I hate my lovely purse dragging on gross floors. I'm going to find one! Nice tip :)

starnes family said...

Just caught up a bit.....sorry, again, to hear about your loss.

Love the purse holder, although, I've carried a baby bag for what seems like forever! One day.

You are looking mighty skinny, miss!