Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm a Cheezball...

Ok -- okay.. I know I'm not getting married for some 7-months but I've already started thinking about wedding music that MUST be played at the reception. I've decided to keep a list and when one comes to me -- write it down!

Above -- is one of those songs. My favorite of all time -- Journey, Lights. Just makes me feel good when I hear it. I love San Francisco and if it wasn't so far away from family I would live there. In fact, I was interviewing for jobs there when I lived in Vegas but then 9/11 happened and my life changed forever. I wanted to be near family and that's how I ended up here in Charlotte.

Other wedding song musts? The LSU fight song and the Hokie fight song(Brad's alma mater).


starnes family said...

Great ideas already! Love that you're going to play the fight song. A true Tiger!

donatelli98 said...

I have to admit I like Lights too! In fact I like most Journey songs!

Allyson and Dave said...

Fight songs are a must!! We played Rocky Top when I tossed my bouquet and Dave tossed my orange and white garter. We had a Bahamian Reggae band play our reception so it was not traditional music. But when they were on break I threw in some Britney. My cake cutting song was Candyman by Christina Aguilera. Everyone loved that and did not even notice the naughty parts. We even moved speakers down to the beach so that we could have our own music in the ceremony. Dave walked out to Beautiful Day by U2. I had a steel drums version of hear comes the bride. And after they announces us man and wife we played Beautiful by Moby to walk back down the aisle. Yes it was conceded of us according to my sister but we liked it. But my favorite song we played was Carrie Underwood's version of I'll Stand By You. My Dad and I danced to that one.