Monday, September 14, 2009

The Johnson Girls - VOTE Now!

Aren't they the cutest? These are my best friend Rebekah's little girls Brooke and Isabella. They all live in the Tampa Bay area and Rebekah has entered both of them into the cutest kid cover search for Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine.

So vote for them now by clicking here. If they get chosen they'll be on the cover! Just click on the link and look for Brooke and Isabella Johnson. They each have their own thumbnail.

Please, please do it now! and tell your friends too! YAY!

BTW - Brooke is 7-years old.

and Isabella is 2-years old and giving Rebekah quite the run for her money these days.

More to come! Stay Tuned!


Allyson and Dave said...

I voted for them. They are too cute!!

SASS said...

Just voted-they are GORGEOUS little babies! Wow! I would have stolen them from my BFF by now ;)

The Lenzers said...

Adorable!!! I will vote for them.