Saturday, September 12, 2009


What do I hate most? Getting ready to go somewhere. Shower, blow-dry the hair(the worst), makeup, finding the outfit.
It all sucks.

I'm trying to hold out but I'm so close to chopping all my hair off again so it's not such an ordeal to get ready.

Serenity now......

Can you tell I'm procrastinating on getting ready? Thanks, more later...


SASS said...

Just caught up on your blog! Love the last day of Lake Eerie-such a beautiful house and view. I took Josie to an upstairs roof bar once and she was terrified. Maybe it was all the Sunday Funday drunk people harassing her? Gee I wonder.
You're crazy! I love getting ready! If I'm not rushed. But not the blow drying of the hair. Annoying.

Allyson and Dave said...

I love getting ready when I can take my time doing it. If I am rushed I wind up with mascara all over my face.

The Lenzers said...

I hate doing my hair-the washing, drying, straightening, styling, ect...takes way to freaking long. That is why mine is usually in a ponytail.

SASS said...

Nope, we're doing it in the downstairs of the library-there's a pic up. It's beautiful! Can't wait. Did you ever get my email with the dress pics? I didn't buy it, because I change my mind so often. :)