Monday, February 8, 2010

Believe Dat!!

Well, they did it! The Super Saints are SuperBowl Champs!! WOOT-WOOT!!

What a game! I can only imagine what the next few weeks will be like in NOLA with Mardi Gras and a SuperBowl celebration!!

While we didn't go to any SuperBowl parties last night I did go to a Saints pre-party Saturday night!
Actually, it was the Charlotte LSU Alumni's annual Mardi Gras party that turned into a Saints party.

As you can see - people came decked out in Saints geart. Don't you just love this scarf!?

Hints of Saints all over the bar/restaurant.

The guy who decorated the place made all the decorations! There must have been 15 of these umbrellas all over the restaurant.

Fabulous raffle prizes too!

Such as this picture signed by the legendary Billy Cannon! For all you non-LSU sports people - Billy Cannon's story was turned into that movie 'Everybody's All American' starring Dennis Quaid.

The guy who decorated also brought Mardi Gras cups for all of us to be served our drinks in!

Yes, Fox news even came to film the party per my request. Yep, I got to be the spokesperson on the air too. TV Star! haha!

Nearly everyone in the restaurant was with our group.

Me and Kathleen. Met her the first year I moved here and started hanging out with the LSU alum.
Funny story - but she actually went to high school and played in the LSU band with a guy I used to work with at my station in Baton Rouge.(Also - note to self - wear a black bra next time)

Tons of food(that I didn't eat due to wedding). These are boudin balls. What are they? Click here to find out.

A lil' bit of gumbo. Yih-eeee!

Even the kids got in on the food and fun!

This is the guy that continues to make this group happen. Bryan Mac and his wife. The greatest part. Bryan went to LSU and his wife went to Virginia Tech. Just like Brad and I!

Well, that's a wrap! Happy Monday! SuperBowl Monday! Yih-eee!


Allyson and Dave said...

Looks like a great time. Dave was cheering for the Saints but he was sitting right behind the Colts bench in the front row. So he was with all the Colt's wives. He said it was weird after the game. I am going to try to get his pictures uploaded tonight.

starnes family said...

LOVE boudin. Miss it!

Great party. I need to find the group here in KC. Blake and I would have a blast!

Sara said...

So fun!!! Congrats to all you Saints fans!

How do you pass up gumbo?!?!?! That's some major will power, girlfriend.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Looks like an awesome time!

Congrats to the Saints :) woo hoo!

donatelli98 said...

Yeah for you guys - looks like lots of fun! How many more days until the big day? So close now!

The Jones Family said...

Sounds like an amazing weekend! Yay Saints!

Dee said...

OMG you had boudin balls?? My mouth is watering just seeing them! Lol...that's one of the first things I go to get when I go home! Looks like it was fun party!

I was in a news story once (about all the mold problems after the storms and how it made my little sister sick!), it was awful...I was a nervous wreck and it showed!!

WHO DAT??? We dat!!

Mrs. Potts said...

So fun! We were so thrilled to watch them win & then I spoke to my best friend in NOLA. He was so thrilled!