Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bangs or No Bangs?

I told myself when I started my blog that I wouldn't have any posts that focused on the down economy(remember I live in a banking city). Well, I'm going to stick to that rule even though I hear story after story each day about someone losing their job, losing their savings(from someone they trusted stealing it), etc..etc.. So, instead of focusing on negative thoughts I thought I would talk about something trivial but yet something that I question day after day. Bangs or no bangs? My hairdresser and Mom believe that I look better with bangs but I'm not so sure. My hairdresser has been gone for 6-weeks at a school in Hollywood to learn special effects makeup and won't be back to cut my hair for another 3-weeks. That means I will be 9 weeks between haircuts! yikes! That also means my bangs are growing out. Should I let it continue? Below are a couple of pictures to compare. Yes, one is very old and I have blonde hair - but let me know what you think.

Without bangs...
Here I am with bangs. Such a dilemma! LOL!


starnes family said...

You're cute either way, but I like the bangs. I'm about to cut mine - and insist my hairdresser cut them so I can't pull them back.

Good luck!

Dee Stephens said...

fantastic! I'm sure they'll be cute!
Yes, my hairdresser almost won't let me grow mine out...

The Lenzers said...

I kind of like the bangs- but you can pull of either. i cannot have bangs! i am still thinking about you freaking out about 9 weeks in between cuts. i consider myself lucky if i make it back to the salon with in 3 or 4 months!

starnes family said...

No kidding. I'm lucky to get two a year. Live it up, Dee!

Unknown said...

I vote for bangs too.