We actually stayed in Charlotte this weekend.
No day trips or anything.
It doesn't happen often but when it does it's nice.
Earlier in the week SIL Robyn texted me about scheduling a dinner and night out just the four of us.
Me, Brad, her and Jeff(Brad's brother).
I jumped at the chance because the four us rarely get out and do something just 'us'.
So Saturday night we had a date night.
Not bad.
Especially since we don't really 'go out' that much anymore.
We prefer cooking and having people over or vice-versa.
The night out had me thinking about how great it is to have such a good relationship with my brother and sister-in-law.
There is absolutely NO drama!
I say that because my ex-sister-in-law, my brother’s ex-wife, was a piece of work.
Only, 3-years older than me she was one of those people who was nice to my face but would talk sh-t behind my back.
Not sure why she disliked me so much.
Oh, wait I do.
I won't get into that.
Never good though.
Especially when kids are involved.
It's different this time around.
Robyn is my age and just as nice as they come..
She’s always thinking of others, not to mention a ton of fun to hang out with!
She’s supportive, understanding and treasures family just as I do.
Despite Brad and his brother being 4 ½ years apart they are pretty tight too.
That’s not always the case with family.
My entire life all I've ever heard from my Mother is how you marry the family.
Starting at a VERY young age she would tell me.
"You meet that family! Because you marry them too!"
I feel so blessed to have married into a great group of people.
What’s your relationship like with your siblings and/or their significant others?
Again, I'm one lucky gal and can't wait for another night out just the four of us.
Happy Monday!

I agree with your mom - you marry the family! So true. That's awesome you all are so close, unfortunately we don't have that with our siblings and their spouses ... long story!
i think the same way! - pretty much no one like my SIL - and it's b/c she's frigin' wierd - i LOVE my boyfriends famuily and MY family love him - i could NEVER be with someone that our families didn't click!
My Mom always told me, "You marry the family," so I was really lucky to find that Z has a great family. Glad you had a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.
your mom is so right!! Rob's family is so incredibly wonderful and I am very lucky. His family has been my family from the very beginning.
Glad yall got together. Being with family is so nice!
PS - thanks for the shout out on friday! i hope your pillows work for you - they look great!
I'm so glad you have a great relationship. I used to...but then I realized that a few family members were out for themselves and I was bending over backwards and it was exhausting. Now I keep my distance. I decided we don't have to be bff's.
My siblings are certainly a different story......I love them and their spouses, but don't see much of them.
This makes me even more grateful for the Starnes family.
I love my SIL! I feel blessed to have her. :)
I'm enjoying my new in-laws, but with them all living out of town, we have to make special arrangements to hang out and grow together. You are quite lucky to have famiy in town.
PS - We love Good Food and Braswell's!
I get along well with my brother in law (his wife doesn't like me, I have no idea why and could care less lol) and I get along with my SIL and her hubby. We don't see each other that often so I'm sure that helps lol! You look so cute in the pics!
I don't have any signlings, but I think TEN's family is absolutely fabulous. I adore them all, and am so thankful. Because that hasn't always been the case with everyone I've dated/potentially married.
It sounds like you really did luck out :)
Yay for good family members. You DO marry the family! It's so refreshing to have good relationships and no dramarama. :)
mom was right! my fam is odd!!!!
I get along great with A's 2 siblings and his dad and his wife. (mom passed away and dad remarried). My one broter...eeks. We have NOTHING in common.
You totally marry the family.
Adam's brother and sister and law are so close to us. And our kids are each others best friends.
We are lucky.
(and I do have some in-laws that I could do without.)
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