Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wedding Invite Snafu!!

My darn laptop is acting up so I can't post many pictures. More and more details of the holidays to come tomorrow.

The highlights to speak of? A new pair of UGGS, and we did the wedding invites.

NOTE TO those of you getting married and sending out a lot of invites!! Don't forget to put the stamps on the return envelopes before you seal them!!!

I soooo knew to do this and bought them but me and my future MIL got so into the process and trying to sort out those going to rehearsal dinner that I forgot!

We were 3/4 of the way through when this conversation went down:

Ms. Becky(MIL): WOW!! Just how many stamps did you guys buy??

Dee: OMG!(turning white!)We forgot to put stamps on the returns inside!!!!!

My future MIL(the gem that she is) proceeded to take a very sharp knife and open all the ones we had sealed so we could put stamps on them.

Thank GOD for Etsy and the cute mongrammed stickers I had ordered last week!

I'll post more on the holiday but this is all I could get uploaded.

Just for SASS!

BUCKHUNTER! I didn't but it for Brad but his parents bought the home version for his brother.

We had family game time up in Jeff and Robyn's bonus room that's never used except for video games. Brad says -- while it has more of a delay than the ones in the bars it still isn't bad.
Happy Holidays!


Coco said...

Funny! Bram got Buckhunter too. He and Adam haven't played it yet but I am certain it is going to be a hit in this house!!

Sucks about the stamps.

SASS said...

I'M SO JEALOUS!!!!!!! I've seriously considered buying the entire box like the bars have...just don't have anywhere sane to put it...yet.
So funny about the invites! I think I'll do stickers anytime I am doing bulk send-outs. My tongue may never recover from Christmas cards this year...

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Allyson and Dave said...

It is all the little wedding sanfu's that make the whole thing memorable!

Emily Popovich said...

omg where do you get the buckhunter game to play at home?? andrew would love love LOVE that... i'll have to look into it!

ps. we got the invitation and it looks great! love the red.