I love Shelby's school.
Since day one they have been doing art projects with her class and some of it is so creative!!
I've kept it all(this is just some of it), but my question is -- what to do with it?
I would love to display it somewhere, but where?
One of Shelby's friends has hers hanging by a wire thingy in her room that was bought at Pottery Barn Kids, but there isn't any wall space in Shelby's room to do such a thing.
Do you all have any ideas?
What do you do with all of your children's artwork?
Right now, I have a designated drawer for all of it and share some of it with the grandparents.

I'm curious too. Caleb already has a ton, and some of it I'm like really???? He didn't put those dinosaur stickers on there. Hah!
I've seen some moms scan it or photograph it and turn it into a shutterfly book at the end of the year.
IKEA has a wire thing we have that is super affordable. Check it out. I have framed a couple special pieces and out them in their rooms.
I have a bin I toss it in :) There have been a few things she has asked me to hang up and I will for a bit then take it down one night and hope she doesn't notice! HA. The other day she got into the tape in my desk and hung up a watermelon painting she made at the library on my wall. ugh.
I like the wire idea and if I had a play room I would do it. WE don't have room in her room either.
Ok, we were literally overflowing with artwork. I found an app.... ArtKive. It's AWESOME!! I collect all the artwork for about 3 months or so and then I take pictures of everything, upload it to ArtKive and then you can print out a book with all of their artwork. It's so easy and so cute!! You can even split it up into different albums. I do mine by age and child, but you could even do it by season or by holiday or whatever....
We have a bullentin board that I change out when new stuff comes home and then I have a drawer where I keep the special stuff. I have also framed some and have it in my living room as real art!
I was going to suggest framing some of it and making a gallery is Shelby's room, but if there is no wall space, that's out. Do you have a designated playroom for her? You might be able to do the same idea there. Other than that, maybe just get a large storage bucket that can slide under the bed or something to store it all in. I'm sure it will accumulate fast! If you want to keep it all, I doubt you'll have space unless you store it somewhere.
We have small clip boards in Sofia's room for her art work and a photo ribbon board that matches her room décor. I will be using a wire for Charlotte's room that you can find on Etsy, Michael's, or Ikea. The small clip boards are suppose to hold photos, I found them at Target.
I feel bad, but I do throw some of it away. There's just too much and no where to put it. I love Rachel's idea to create a shutterfly book at the end of the year. That's a great idea.
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