Who else watched the premiere of "Kendra"(from The Girls Next Door)show last night? I have to wonder – why in the hell would you do this with a relationship really just starting out. Has she not learned something from all the other couples who have done this? Barkers, Lachey’s, Hogans, Jon and Kate?? They all ended in divorce(Jon and Kate are next)
It was dumb too. She's a pig! Loved her on The Girl's Next Door but she's playing that dumb blonde this time -- kinda like Jessica Simpson did in The Newlyweds.
Did any of you watch? Would love to hear feedback...

I did not watch it. LOVED Newlyweds. Since then, not much interesting like it.
I was sound asleep by the time it was on but I want to try and wacth it when it airs again. I think she is doing the show because that is all she knows how to do. She has no real skills or education. There are a lot of people out there who are forced to make a living doing reality TV only because they cannot suceed at anything else. While that is a little sad I still find their shows very entertaining.
i was a huge fan of the "girls next door" but kendra was my least fave. she seemed a little too young and dumb for Hef. But i had every intention of watching the new show but it was on at the same time as Army Wives so I figured I would catch it later this week. I am sure it will be on numerous times. But lets face it...the people doing these shows don't think about the reprecutions (SP?) but the fame and the $$$ signs. Besides, he is a traveling football player is she is a titty showing play girl...how long can it possibly last anyway? We obviously have the same taste in TV!!
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