Friday, June 26, 2009

Funny Foto Friday

It’s funny foto Friday! Can you say wind? I thought it was cute.

Anyhoo – can’t let today go by without saying WOW! What a news day yesterday..

As a former TV news producer I’m a bit of a news junkie and was flabbergasted by Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both passing in the same day.

I have to admit – even though Michael Jackson was bizarre in his later years you can’t go without saying that he changed the music industry as it was including music videos.

My favorite Jackson song? Thriller…
As for Farrah? I was obsessed with Charlie's Angels back in the day. Me and my cousins would all play Charlie's Angels and of course everyone always wanted to be Farrah.

RIP Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.


donatelli98 said...

Ahhh - Charlie's Angels and striking the pose! That was always a goofy thing we did at parties in college - nostalgia and alcohol combined!

Coco said...

That picture is hilarious!

Yesterday was weird huh?

Have a good weekend.