The years we lived in Louisiana I can remember watching the fireworks on the levee and shooting off our own at the same time, watermelon, bbqing, and much more.
The best Fourth of July I've ever had though? The year 2003 when me, my Mom and Dad and my nephew Preston(who 13 at the time..he's 19 now) spent the 4th in Washington, DC. We did the whole DC parade and then Capitol Lawn concert experience where Dolly Parton sang and fireworks were shot off the Mall.
Talk about AWESOME! I had watched it for years on PBS but to actually be there was too cool for words. It's something my nephew still talks about. Picture below...
The 2nd best 4th? Last year. Me, my friend Kara and Dana spent the weekend in the mountains of NC -- near where I was this past weekend.
Kara and I got our hike on and we enjoyed good wine, food and fireworks on Grandfather Mountain.
What is your favorite 4th of July memory?

2003-Capitol Lawn on the 4th of July.

Lovely! No outrageous memories from this holiday.....we were in Waikiki on July 3 and saw some amazing preparations for Pearl Harbor's celebration. But, flew home on the 4th.
I love the 4th too - probably the best was staying on the Queen Mary with my mom and step-dad (retired Army Officer) at a reunion for Vietnam Helicopter pilots. I would love to do DC for the 4th or even a southern small town.
Have a fabulous Fourth of July! Love the new header photo!!! xxx me
Aww- that was SUCH a great 4th we spent together in the mountains! Good hiking, great wine, and fantastic friends!!
We plan to spend this 4th with the husband's new co-workers near Treasure Island beach. We should be able to see the firework's from his co-anchor's dock. I have found however that despite the beauty of FL beaches- I sure do miss hiking in NC. I need to plan a trip up there this summer for sure! :)
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