So, since Facebook came along it seems everyone has gotten excited to be back in touch with people from high school, college, etc. This has resulted in people organizing reunions to get everybody back together.
I even hear my co-workers talking about it with bated breath. Me? PLLZZZZ PEOPLE!
Maybe it's just me but other than getting together with girlfriends from college I could CARE LESS!
My b/f/f was the ringleader of organizing a reunion of a bunch of people we went to this private school with in Baton Rouge and couldn't believe I didn't want to go. Why? I keep in touch with the people I want to keep in touch with. Why would I spend money traveling to see people I don't really care to keep in touch with?
I feel the same way about high school. Remember, we moved to Arkansas in my 10th grade year so I of course, changed schools and had to make all new friends. The picture above is some of them. Do I keep in touch with any of these girls??? No....I mean some of them are my 'friends' on Facebook but that's about all I've heard from any of them since graduation day in 1993.
That's right -- I didn't go to my 10-year reunion and don't plan on going to the 20th.
Is it just me? What do you think about all these silly reunions??

I could not agree more!!! I travel to TN a couple times a year and visit my close friends from college and high school. I really don't care to see anyone else.
I went to my 10 year and it was fun. My class has them every 5 years and then other little get togethers in between......don't care for those. Totally get what you're saying.
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