Today's blog post courtesy of Brad. He told me last night that he and his co-workers got in a discussion about what their favorite Little Debbie snack cake was back in the day?
Remember back in the day when Little Debbie's were the sh--t? I think the novelty has worn off since the 80's where every kid enjoyed one at least 3 or 4x's a week -- along with those cool Capri-Suns in the little bags(remember when those first came out?)
Maybe I'm dating myself? Well, back to the topic at hand.
Brad's favorite Little Debbie growing up was the Nutty Buddy and mine?
Well, take a look below. The Swiss Cake Roll. I always had a special way of eating them too. Peeling off the chocolate and eating it -- then unrolling it and licking the filling then eating the rest of the cake.
How about you? What was/is your favorite Little Debbie snack cake?
BTW -- My Mom always had oatmeal pies in our house because she felt they were healthier. LOL!

Well I loved (and still occassionaly enjly) an oatmeal creme pie. But I also used to like those star crunch ones (I think that's what they were called). We always had more hostess products than LD though....both good!
Pecan spinwheels were a breakfast must when I was a kid. My mom only bought them occasionally. Stick them in the microwave for 10 seconds, and MM! Haven't had one in years. Still love Oatmeal Creme Pies. Good post-I'm hungry!!
Nutty Bars. Definitely. We ate the Spinwheels when we were kids and mine do now, too. But, I think they were called Pecan Swirls when we were kids....and we called them Squirrels.....now our kids do, too.
Loved the nutty bars too and the oatmeal creme pies. The Lenzer's and my family ate more Hostess products since our relatives worked for them. I buy the little Debbie brownies for Chatty Cathy now - she and Bia love them - plus they are so cheap!
I am SO with you on the Swiss Cake Rolll...I even ate them the same way you did! Now, you have to put it in the fridge someday and try it that way...yummy!
Oatmeal cream pies aren't healthier?? man, Star Crunch is good too....
Nutty Butties were a very popular purchase in HS. We ate them layer by delicious layer. Mmmmmm.
I ate my swiss cake rolls the exact same way! So weird, Jason and I were just talking about that over the weekend. I liked the Oatmeal Cream Pies the best.
Mine were swiss rolls as well. And I ate them the same way. It took about an hour to eat the whole thing, because of the process.
I don't think I have ever bought a box for my kids. I might need to do that!!
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