Who else watched the premiere of A&E's Hoarders last night? Not sure why I did -- but I did and geez was it a downer.
I seriously cannot imagine having such a problem. In one of the cases the couple had small children and even one of the kids was sad about throwing things away.
Again, it just blows my mind people being able to live in all that stuff and not recognize how disfunctional it is.
Me -- on the other hand -- has a problem with throwing too many things away.
Not sure I'll be watching this next episode or not.....but you never know.. I seem to get sucked in just like with A&E's show Intervention.
It's all sad, depressing teevee....
Happy Tuesday!

Just saw your comment about the ring-I'm asked this question frequently. It is quite large-probably bigger than I wanted it, but he picked it out! I can't imagine myself saying, 'Um can you size this down a little?' Ha! It's 2.4 in the middle, and the rest make it 3 total. A little nuts, yeah? I love it! (and we got smashed, too. It was awesome.)
We are doing the wedding in KC-and I'm having issues with the venue. I really really want outdoorsy/garden/forest. But we live in the middle of KC! We'd have drive out at least 30 minutes, and we have friends and family all over the place. I'm visiting a couple places this week-one is a rooftop terrace I thought I could deck out with greenery. I think I'm gonna have to get creative. Did you find what you were looking for? I have local mags, but no success yet.
I get sucked into these shows too. it's all very interesting...
Adam and I watched it last night. Can you imagine?
Those poor poor children and the parents seemed kind of normal. AND the lady with the food. UGH!
But I will watch it again, it makes me feel more normal.
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