Monday, August 24, 2009

Beach Wrap Up

I didn't take a lot of pictures at the beach believe it or not. And.. really none on the beach. I left my camera at the house the first day then the 2nd day I brought it but didn't take many especially since we were railroaded off the beach late in the day due to a storm.

But.. here is what I do have. Above is some crazy fish dinner Brad got the first night out. Still not sure what it was? Pretty cool though!

He thought so too since he ate most of it...

Eric and the rest of the bunch hanging on the porch.

We cooked dinner at home the 2nd night. Here's me and Brad aftewards!

We cooked shrimp, corn, salad and bruschetta. MMM..good.
Now looking forward to our Labor Day trip to Lake Eerie! YAY!


starnes family said...

You had me at Shrimp. YUM.

So, you travel as much as I'd like to. 3 kiddos make it a wee bit difficult sometimes.

The Lenzers said...

That is a crazy big fish. Don't let Brad start telling people he caught it!

SASS said...

Loved your last post-so cute! I had no idea the history!
I'm now hungry for shrimp and corn, thanks. Glad I ate mac and cheese for din.

Coco said...

The shrimp boil and wine. Yummy. Adam and I do this for just the two of us a lot. It never gets old.

You are Brad are sure a cute pair. Very cute kids in the future!