I was so honored to be part of April, from A Liz Adventures, baby shower this past Sunday.
Her friends did an amazing job and I even snagged a few ideas for when I host a baby shower in the future.
Pink and green!
My 2 favorites!!!
A booze free punch, then a rose' and mimosas for those of us who like our cocktails!
I'm a big believer in booze at baby showers.
Sound like a lush?
Maybe so, but for those who aren't expecting, it makes it more fun.
Adorable, festive cupcakes.
I'm starting to believe that cupcakes are a lot easier at most parties, vs. having to cut a cake and have someone spend time serving.
Love.Love the cookies!!
Calendar for everyone to guess when Baby Robson will be born.
And, my favorite of the shower.
Late night diapers.
I have never seen this before but think it's a GREAT idea.
All the shower guests write a message on a diaper to the mom and dad.
Then, when changing a diaper, in the middle of the night, or otherwise, they can read them and it's a reminder of how much their friends and family love them and their new bundle of joy.
Plus, what new parent doesn't need diapers????
Totally stealing this idea.
After reading April's blog for so many years, it was fun to finally get to meet her Mom and one of her sisters.
Just as you would think.
And, sweet as pie!
April had so many friends there.
It was awesome to get to meet so many of them as well.

A handful of bloggers were in attendance, including Classic Annie, Carolina Charm and Our Life in the Queen City.
Me and Christina from Carolina Charm.
She happens to work in my same building, so I see her quite often.
Her and April are due within days of each other, both having girls.
April received so many beautiful gifts.
I loved how her shower hostesses put this together.
I gave her a few necessities including a HALO sleep sack swaddle and some hard/soft bibs, then a fun gift.
I happened onto this tartan kilt while in the mountains skiing and couldn't resist.
Giving her husband, Ian's Scottish heritage, I had too!
I mean, he even wore a kilt when they got married!
It's an Irish pattern, and not the print of Ian's clan, but cute, nonetheless!
The real hit of the party was this gorgeous, handmade gown.
April's Mom is super talented and hand smocks.
She made this frock for Baby R to come home from the hospital in.
She hand stitched an R on it!
I seriously, thought it was a Feltman dress when it was pulled out of the box!
Everyone was totally blown away including the Mom to be.
The shower was so beautiful and filled with love.
I'm just so happy to have been included.
Can't wait to meet that sweet baby girl come May!!!

We did the late night diapers at my shower too...such a fun idea! Love that skirt...and the gown for the baby to come home in is adorable!!
I love seeing all my favorite bloggers together! The shower looks super cute and I loved your tartan gift.
I'm helping host a sprinkle for 3 mommas in my playgroup in March and we're doing the late night diapers for them! I love it!! What sweet gown for baby R to come home in :)
Such a fun thing to be part of! Darling gifts, too.
Heck yah. Booze are a must. I always have them even at my kids party. LOL! We are lushes.
Agree with you on the booze at baby showers! Looks like it was a lovely day :)
SO fun! I love the late night diaper idea too!
Dee, it was awesome having you there, and your gifts were just so thoughtful and generous. You have been such a helpful part of my pregnancy -- maternity clothes, mama advice, and just a listening ear when I need it! :) So glad you could make it, and I love this post!
Great pictures, Dee! I love Aprils blog. It looks like she had such nice shower :)
The cupcakes versus a cake is a great idea and definitely easier :) I considered doing that for our wedding, but am glad we ended up going with a cake - it was SO good!
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