It's been a while since I've done a true 'update' on what's been going on around here.
So, here it goes.
* First off, I feel as life is starting to get back to a pace to where it was before we had Shelby. We're back out going to events and even doing things with friends.
Not that we totally stopped but last weekend was the first weekend we actually stayed on the go the entire time.
Before we would do a few hours out then head home.
Now I'm feeling more comfortable feeding on the go and changing diapers on the go.
* My eating habits have been slacking.
That is despite the fact that I have now vowed to start working out at 5:30am every Tuesday and Thursday.
This is my 2nd week at it and so far so good.
It's SOO hard to find time to workout at night that I knew I had to do something.
I still plan on power walking with Shelby around the neighborhood 2-days a week after work, but now if the weather stinks I don't have to be upset because I'll still have 2 days in.
* Shelby is a rock star at school.
We got a 'happy gram' from her school today that she's rolling all over the classroom. Literally from one side to the other!
We see her rolling here at home but we don't have nearly the room they do at school.
* Brad and I are both into making baby food.
Thank goodness my cousin Cindy gave us her baby food maker.
Shelby has enjoyed, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, avocado and tonight I made summer squash puree!
After a few days of that we're moving on to fruits.
We're having the school feed her because by the time she gets home she's way too tired.
* Speaking of cooking.
I feel as I'm 'starting' to get back into the swing of things.
I haven't had the desire or energy to really cook for weeks but the last week or so I feel as if I'm getting back into the swing of things.
I even prepared these last night for us to enjoy for dinner tonight.
Baby steps back into 'real' cooking.
It's all about time management!!
* I forgot to include the gorgeous flowers I received for Mother's Day.
My MIL got me this fun pig pot with petunias in it.
And, my Mom bought me this gorgeous vase of flowers.
We're still enjoying them.
* In other random news.
Shelbs is still liking her exersaucer but I feel like she needs more toys.
I'm also feeling as if it's time to put up the swing.
We just found out Brad's cousin and his wife are expecting so we're saving all our stuff to give to them.
A few random pictures from when my parents were here.
Shelbs enjoying some GiGi time.
And, some Poppi time!
With my parents in town we took advantage of the babysitting and headed out to a friend's graduation party.
You might recall my friend Karen who threw me a baby shower back in October.
So proud of her!
She graduated from Belmont Abbey over the weekend after 4-years in night school to finish her 4year degree!
All while working full time at the bank!
I could not have done it!
They had a few of their neighbors over and us to celebrate.
Her family is as proud of her as we all are!
And, the last random photo/tidbit for the night.
A picture a friend of mine sent of me and Shelby at the crawfish boil Saturday.
Love it!
I still can't believe I have a blue-eyed baby!?
Where in the world did that come from?
I can't believe this is my 3rd post this week.
I'm on a roll!!!

Love the LSU baby. Do you have a cheerleader outfit yet? Must!!!!!!
I'm so glad you're back in the groove. I really admire the fact that you're still doing things that you did before Shelby. That's really awesome. My brother and SIL do the same!
You haven't used your swing yet?! Mia loves hers! We'll be bummed when she gets to big for it! We actually put up Mia's jumper on Sunday... ha ha! Mia loves standing in it but she has no idea what to do. We have the kind that hangs from a door frame and she just kind goes in circles and smiles each time she makes it back around to us :)
Mia isn't rolling around. She never spend time on her tummy! Each time I do tummy time she just rolls onto her back and starts playing with her feet, ha! I don't know how to get her interested in rolling around!
So glad life is getting back to normal for you! I feel the same way, but I still panic thinking about having to feed Mia in public. I usually just go to my car if we are out and about but yesterday was the first time I wasn't able to do that. Mia totally ate covered up and I was SO relieved because she never has liked it before. Now I just have to practice at home so that I can be more graceful about it, ha! Nursing is such a pain!
so fun!
You are doing great. I was working from home with Liam but still did all the stay at home mom stuff too. it was a hard transition and I would go out with friends who worked and I would have them tell me about meetings and stuff! ha! What I am getting at is it all takes so much time to adjust to life with children. Some things change for good, other things just slow down, etc.
We're are just about done with the contraption/holder phase. C is getting too big... (20lbs at 7 months). We used the swing since day one....he sometimes falls asleep in it.
After I had C....I got in a good groove..think I had a lot of adrenaline but then got in a bad cooking funk and I had Michael bring home food nearly every night.
as long as I can plan everything out for the week...I am good. and I try to freeze a lot too so we're not eating out a lot!
So much changes while you try to do a lot of the same things when you have a kid. As much as we like to go out with friends it's hard and we actually don't feel like it...prob. more now that we have two. Also, we prefer now to go on the afternoon outing for a bike ride and lunch without kids rather than a nighttime gig! ha!
I was in a cooking funk too. I had Michael call me on his way home to see what the status of dinner would be. Either I cooked or he would bring something home...but now I am back and as long as I can plan early in the week we're good to go.
I just can't seem to get back into working out. I'll go for jobs here and there but it's I don't really love C to go to the gym day care yet. But Liam loves it there!
Wow, I'm just impressed by how you manage to do it all and so well!! Also, Shelby is growing so fast, too adorable for words!
It is definitely hard to get back to normal life again, but it sounds like you are on track. If I was at work all day, there is no way I'd be cooking too. I am impressed!
That last picture is so cute of the two of you!!
You are right. It is about time management.
I've got to do a better job of it, and I need to get on track for some exercise.
Before blogging, I was more focused because I made the time, but now I"m all over the place.
That pig is fabulous! Shelby gets cuter every day. I don't have any kids and I still find it hard to want to come home from work and make dinner. I have been trying to get up at 5:30 on Tuesday and Thursday for 2! Way to go!!
Lulu and Daisy
To answer your question, I go back to work at the beginning of June. I got 14 weeks of maternity leave from my company and then I'm using all my vacation for the extra time. :)
Love the 'bonus' pic from the crawfish boil! We have the same exersaucer, I just made it into the activity table (it was on hiatus during the home selling/moving months).
I've finally gotten back into working out, but not 'going out' only took a year-ha!
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