I feel like I'm in the middle of college finals right now.
Now that we're less than 2-weeks(at least) out from having a baby I'm starting to freak out and read every last thing I can get my hands on that will help me know how to feed Shelby, help her sleep and everything else in between.
I know books aren't going to tell me everything but there are tidbits here and there that I am getting and it's making my anxiety a little bit better!!!
One is the ever-popular BabyWise book - which I literally have been been CRAMMING with. Skipping some sections and reading others.
Any advice you gals have on that book are greatly appreciated!!
The other book is Secrets of the Mommyhood.
This book is a little less, okay A LOT, less intimidating approach to preparing for 'mommyhood'.
It's written by a 30-something mother, who happens to be IRL friends with my blog bestie, I Do Declare.
Heather Alexander's approach to all things pregnancy and baby are downright awesome!!
Not being a HUGE reader this book is more of an outline and high level look at what you need to know.
In short -- it's simple and easy to read for people with short attention spans like me!!
Since reading I've already repacked parts of my hospital bag, put Ultimate Crib Sheets on my 'to buy' list along with scented trash bags for poopy diapers while on road trips, and much more.
Not going to lie, I was dreading reading another mommy/baby book but this one is actually refreshing and makes me feel like I'm going to be A-OKAY!!!!
So, if you're just starting the pregnancy journey or nearing the end, pick up up this book which is low in cost and easy to read!
And, let's hope my next post is about having a baby and not about preparing for one!!
5-days and counting until Shelby's due date!!!

So many books! I read just the same. Good job, Dee!
What's been your favorite book so I can get it for friends that find out they are preggers? Anything special you would recommend?
You're going to be a natural Mommy! Enjoy these last few days and if you need anything just ask! Don't cram! :)
Oh wow! The countdown is here.
Baby wise is super over whelming. But once you get your own schedule down its ok. We didn't start until about 6 weeks give or take for both kids. I am just trying to stay consistent on the eat play sleep but yesterday I made some adjustments at night. There is this blog I found www.babywisemom.com. Gives good examples and answers tons of questions. You can do a keyword search that is helpful.
We went turned to a few books right after I had L. And then we both realized to use common sense and we got the hang of things and never referred to a book again. It is all going to be great and a week or so after she arrives it'll feel like you've been doing the parenthood thing for years.
i'm going to give you the secret to motherhood that i wish someone besides my mother gave me....ready? here it is. you can't do it all....and you won't do it all right. God gives you instinct, you need to recognize and USE it. no matter what the books, docs, and people around you say, YOU know your baby girl...and YOUR instincts you should trust. Every time. you and dad.
that's the secret. comes from a mom of many you see. :) can't wait to see pics of your lil miss!
I read a ton of books too! Just remember....every child is different and what may work for one child may not for another.
Babywise is HARDCORE. I never had it in me to do it, but people would literally shove it down my throat. I finally took parts from Babywise and implemented those parts and then took parts from Happiest Baby on the Block and blah-blah-blah. It's just whatever works for YOUR FAMILY.
You're going to be a great, great Mommy. Just do whatever comes natural! Can't believe she's almost here!!! yay!!!
I second what Sara said!! You will do great!
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