Wednesday, November 7, 2012

36-week Update

It's official! Shelby Leigh has turned and is head down ready to make her entrance into this world vaginally instead of a c-section!

We went in for our 36-week ultrasound and appointment today and learned this, and that she weighs 6lbs 5oz. Meaning if she stays put until the December 5th due date she could be 8lbs when born.

So, now we are just in wait mode. Everything is pretty much done but I do need to finish packing my bag.

As for how I'm feeling, it's getting harder by the day. I gained 2-pounds in the last 2 weeks but it feels like 20!
My work pants are getting tighter and walking is more of a challenge too. I keep telling myself I'm in the home stretch.
Overall, my total weight gain is 24 and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting back in the gym.. I miss the endorphins!
Well, that's it for the update except this 3d ultrasound picture from today.
Happy Humpday!


Claire Kiefer said...

Congrats to you--you're almost there! It's so crazy how they can do ultrasound pics like that these days . . .

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats, Dee! Only a few more weeks until she is here! :) So exciting!

And isn't it amazing what technology can do? Allowing you to see your daughter before she is born. She looks so sweet, already!


donna said...

Getting close! Hang in there. Enjoy every moment.

bridechic said...

Congrats on Shelby's soon to be arrival in the world! Very excited for you and hubby!

Annie said...

Exciting! She's so cute!!

I Do Declare said...

With moves that like I think it's obvious she'll be a cheerleader...

KatiePerk said...

That is awesome news. You are doing great!! You get to meet your daughter so soon!! Isn't technology grand? You are in the home stretch!

eas said...

So glad she flipped for you!! Enjoy your last few quiet weeks.
Your life is about to be filled with more live than you ever umagined existed.

donatelli98 said...

Yay for good news!!! 8lb babies are great!!

Sara said...

YAY!!!! So glad that baby girl decided to turn! Hang in're on the downhill stretch! Love the 3D!

MCW said...

Nice work Shelby! She is already an overachiever :)

Carolina Charm said...

YAY Shelby!

Also, those 3D pictures always blow me away. I cannot believe tecnhology sometimes...

Kate said...

Yay Shelby! So excited for you and hope to meet your little one at one of our CLT meet ups... She's going to be such a cutie!

I can't believe you've only gained 24 lbs -- You deserve a HUGE round of applause Mama!! That weight will fall right off before you know it

Monica said...

Oh my gosh! So exciting. I'm so glad she turned. Giving birth to Lyla was the most amazing thing EVER and I am glad you will get to experience a vaginal birth! It's just so awesome! Hoping these last few weeks go great and you have a wonderful birthing experience. Can't wait to see Shelby on the outside!

Gen said...

I'm so excited for ya...but don't pin your hopes on the u/s giving you and accurate weight guess...they said my ashleigh would be between 8 and 9 lbs...she was born weighing 6 lb 12 oz...

Anonymous said...

She's so cute! I can't wait to meet her!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

So exciting! What a cute photo. Wow. It's here. I had my son at 37 weeks.

Tricia said...

I can hardly wait!!! xoxo

Ashley said...

YEYYY that she turned!!
I am curious to see if that weight is accurate :) I was told Anika was almost 10 pounds at 40 weeks and at 42 weeks she was only 7, 13.

mama in the making.... said...

I think she looks like your husband. ha!

Wiz said...

Yay that she flipped!! Although you will probably have to wait longer :) I gained 50 with my first (and learned my lesson even though I lost it all.) Gaining 24 pounds is awesome! You are on the homestretch. I just hit 33 weeks and am so ready to not be pregnant anymore!