Happy Tuesday! A bit of a different post but one that had me thinking a lot after I got an email last night from another blogger.
Let me start with - it was a
journey of sorts to find, what my Mom would call,
'Mr. Wonderful' aka Brad.

As most of you know I am 34 going on 35 and am what is referred to as 'married later in life'(a nurse at urgent care said that to me the other day). Okay - thanks.. I'm fine with that.
I'm fine with that because:
* I pursued a career and have been successful - even though it did involve 10-years of h-ll in a TV newsroom. I now work in corporate TV which a lot of people envy and I am a confident woman who can hold her own in the office.
* I am independent. Yes, I bought a townhouse, sold it and bought another one in what was my dream neighborhood. Granted..because of the crappy market I wish I could sell it now but it 'is what it is'. Also, I have never borrowed a substantial amount money from anyone without paying them back.
* I lived out West for 5 years and partied my butt off. I traveled, drank, ate, dated tons of guys, and have stories and memories for days. This was somethng I talked about all through college. Getting the heck out of dodge.
* I have tons of friends that I never would have if it had not been for my single years.
* Last but not least.........I DID NOT SETTLE ON THE WRONG PERSON......I waited for the right person.
The reason for this post? MCW from Saving the Best For Last ,who my cousin found yesterday. I was so intrigued that I read all the way back to her first post because I found that I could relate.
It was this post of hers that really had me thinking back to my 'single and looking' days.
I so remember the frustration..and I left her a comment and told her that I am 34 and recently married and believe it or not..I met hubs in a bar. She replied back saying it was a relief to meet another blogger who can relate because it seems like a lot of bloggers get married at 22.
I also sent her
this post of mine from last year where I think a lot of you got freaked out. LOL!
The moral of this post is that just because some women aren't married by age 30 doesn't mean something is 'wrong'. It just means they're confident, independent and waiting for Mr. Right...not Mr. Right now because I need to get married by 30.
That's all I have for today. Comment away!!
Dee - you are so incredibly right! I got married at 23 and I'm absolutely happy, but there were several years in my 20's where I questioned whether or not I should've waited because I think you "grow up" so much in your 20's. I'm a completely different person than I was at 23. And I'm just thankful that Trey and I have been able to grow together and make things work.
I think it's so interesting that people in the South (mostly) think women should be married and having babies by 25. If you go up North to NYC or Boston - it's a completely different mentality. You'll hear - "I'm not getting married yet. I'm only 30!"
Okay- this was long. My point is - no one knows what's best for you except YOU. Glad you waited and found your Mr. Right!
I'm with ya! i did not marry the fireman till I was 31, so i enjoyed my 20's and did not settle for "Mr. Wrong".
Great looking picture!! You look fabulous in red.
Thanks for this post!!! I already have friends getting divorced, and I would rather be in my shoes then theirs. It is frustrating, but I know I must be on this course for a reason :)
PS - you can send me that Get Serious Book. ha
I totally hear ya. Even though we dated for over 5 years before we got engaged I wanted to make sure I didn't go straight to my parents house straight to the married house. I definitely did the independent thing...but it also helped that we were long distance for 3 years. So I did my thing in Dallas and he did his thing in Lubbock...but were still exclusive. I didn't do the dating thing....but did work my way up in work, great jobs, my own apt., etc...
I was 27 when we got married. It was a good time for both of us...then we waited over 5 years to start a family...we went on fab trips, did our own thing..together...it all worked out for us. I freakin love Brad...he's hilarious...glad you waited for him! ;)
Thank you for posting this! I love MCW with all of my heart and this makes me smile. She deserves love just as much as you do and everyone else does. It will come for her. I am proud of her for not settling and I just wanted to stop by and say - Congrats!
OMG! You went to LSU too! HELLO! GEAUX TIGERS! I am from Louisiana and graduated from LSU in 2000, then moved to NYC. I am a new follower, for sure.
Can I just say ditto to Sara's post? Like her I got married at 23 but there were times I questioned it. We waited 6 years to have Chatty - to figure out what marriage was about since we were so young! Anyway - I think it is different for everyone and as long as you married the right person you did the right thing!
Great post cousin Dee. Glad we found the new blog. Yes, I'm glad you waited for your 'Mr. Wonderful'. As we know our family think that women are old maids over 25. BWAhahahah.
I am definitely an old maid, but I really wouldn't change my life for anything. I plan to get married one time and really feel that if I got married in my 20's, I wouldn't be married any longer. A few years ago I gave up worrying about what others thought of me and just began to enjoy life in the moment {instead of waiting for life to begin when I got married}. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason and my guy is out there somewhere. I will meet him someday.
I met Dave on the street corner in front of the bar...so techincally we were not in a bar. I got married at 28 and feel like that was perfect timing. We spent 6 years getting to know each other and I would have not had it any other way. I was 22 when we met and could not even think about marriage. All I thought about was partying and vacationing. I have many friends who did not get married until they were 30 or older and they are as happy as I can be. I also see (on Facebook)that many friends I had growing up got married in their early twenties and are now divorved, single parents struggling to make ends meet...makes you think.
Love this post because this topic is so near and dear to my heart. I married right out of college to the wrong person....I wasn't a strong enough person and possibly didn't think enough of myself at the time to not do so. I ended up leaving almost 10 years and 3 children later determined to NEVER settle again. It's immature and stupid, and I cannot believe I did for so long. I was set up on a blind date and met the perfect man for me. Our marriage is so strong and our relationship is so loving and healthy...something I never thought I would have or that I deserved...
if I had it to do over again I would do it your way....not that I regret my babies but I would certainly make different choices ya know?!
you go girl!!! it's not about the age. my mom always told me i was an old maid. she said it joking but really she wasn't joking so much! you are better off for having sewn your oats,and wont regret anything
People are so dumb. Who cares when you get married? Age is a number, and Tone and I are here to prove it. 17 year gap, baby! I think it really depends on maturity level. Some don't hit where they're at until they're 40. Some do at 18. Never know. Or partying your ass off until you're ready to settle down....either way ;)
So happy for you and Brad- don't explain yourself to anyone! If they don't get it, then they're dumbasses that don't deserve to.
I agree with Sass. Everyone's different...it's the settling part that's stupid.
Thanks for this post! I got here from MCW and I have been feeling the same way she has. After turning 30 (and very soon 31) people begin to make you feel badly about yourself for not being married.
But, hey, I am fabulous and I am just waiting for the right guy! Thanks for reminding me!
I came over from MCW! I have enjoyed following MCW's dating journey for the past year, and I know she will never settle! Great post! I am one of her annoying blog friends that got married in my mid-twenties :) but, my husband was 34 when we got married, and he said he waited when all his other friends got married because he didnt want to settle! :) I know men are different, but still- I can relate through him...kinda.
Hi! I'm a new follower (a long time follower of MCW) and I can't tell you how glad I am to find you :) Just what I needed to see and read today!
I too have spent many years working on becoming a professional self sustaining woman. Last year I decided it was time to find Mr. Right. I thought I found him, but we just broke up. I started stressin b/c I'm no spring chicken, but reading your blog has helped me realize that I need to walk away and never look back...because Mr. Right really is out there somewhere!
Thank you!
Great post! I'm a new follower of your blog! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm a friend of MCW's in real life and I know that she appreciates this. I too can relate, I just got engaged at 31 and it was definitely worth the wait. I wouldn't trade the experiences of my 20's for anything and I'm so glad I never settled for Mr. Right Now.
I love that you & MCW connected this way. She's uber fabulous & I love the fact that she's single & living in the City.
I married Mr. Potts when I was 32, so I'm with you - I married "later in life". And I'm ok with it. In fact, I'm over the moon with it.
I know you are too. :)
I just found your blog and I love it already!
Word up sister on this post! Sometimes it seem others have the problem with me not being married- not moi!
I totally agree. I used to think I would never get married when everyone else was married. My little sister even got married before I did. However, being married now for 3 weeks (I'm 31), I would not have done it any other way.
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