Many of you might be wondering how I ended up here? Well, I'll give you a short rundown of how I made it to the Queen City.
* 1997 - graduated from LSU but continued to live in BR and work at a local TV station for another year. During this year -- I searched for jobs in Los Angeles. Got a freelance offer with E! News but my Mom refused to let me take it because it wasn't 'steady' work.
* 1998 - decided to get to the West Coast somehow and took a job in Reno-Tahoe, Nevada at a local TV station working the morning show( day started at 11pm). Skiied, hiked, had a blast.
* 2000 - my TV company decided I was 'good' and asked me to move to the Las Vegas station.
Partied my a-- off, gambled, met celebs, new friends, hung out with old ones who lived there but then...
September 11, 2001 happened.
I was depressed, missing family, starting thinking about long term things and what I wanted out of life. Living the fab life so far away from the people I loved didn't seem to be important anymore. I starting researching on where I would go next.
I literally made a list of what I wanted out of a city:
* To be back in the 'South'
* Where people appreciate SEC football and I could actually go to see my Tigers play.
* Near mountains where I could get my hike on.
* No more than 8-hours from my family
* In a TV market where I could actually make some $$
It was narrowed down to 2 cities: Nashville and Charlotte. I found a job in Charlotte first.
* 2002 - I moved to Charlotte on Memorial Day weekend which happens to be one of the biggest weekends in the city. It's RACE Weekend(NASCAR). I knew no one except cousins who I lived with for 6-months.

Since then - I have enjoyed many SEC games including several where I have gotten to see my Tigers play at University of SC!

I have gotten my hike on in more ways than one!! Here's me hiking the Grandfather Trail at Grandfather Mountain. Happens to be one of the best trails in the Carolinas.

I've enjoyed the NC and SC beaches.

Partaken in many wine tastings at area wineries including ones in the Yadkin Valley.

Met awesome friends like Dana. I met her the first year I lived here through the Jr. League of Charlotte(where I've met most of my friends here).

Awesome..I'v never been to that part of the country...someday!
That cheese board looks delicious...
I have heard great things about Charlotte I have actually never, been! But, love pretty much any city!
Mr. ESPN and I would love to move there - it is our ideal city. Now if we could convince our companies to move us there we would be set!!
I love the shout-out to my hometown. :)
You found a great picture of the skyline & I like the picture of you & Brad at the night concert.
I need to find out about the JL - but I don't know if I'd have the time to commit to it because of travel.
I've never been to Charlotte either. Hopefully, I'll get out there someday!
Loved hearing about your life after college and how you got to NC. So fun!
LOVE Charlotte!!! I moved here 16 years ago and have never regretted it. It's a great place to live!
such a life!! love this post!!! thanks for sharing.
How fun! It really is such a beautiful place and I only saw a small portion.
I bet you have lots of good stories about all of the fun adventures you've been on! Glad you're happy where you are!! Sweet post!
i can say i have never been, but would love to. i will just have to come visit you!!
Love, love, love that you found a great place to live. I know we will one day......could be KC......just never know! I enjoyed seeing all of your adventures!
I've always wanted to visit Charlotte and you are first on my list when I do :)
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