Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pizza Dough

I know.. I know.. I've posted about our pizza parties in the past but this time is DIFFERENT! Why you ask??

We didn't buy dough balls from our local pizzeria this time. Instead Brad was DETERMINED to learn how to make his own dough. We heard that our cousin Kathy had a good recipe so I hit her up for it.(Recipe later..now for the pictures)

Yeast, flower, water and honey.

Brad getting his mix on!

He didn't throw it around in the air this time. Just rolled it out on this lovely pizza stone we got as a wedding gift.

Before heading into the oven. Mushrooms, green peppers and some onion.

WAH-LAH!!! or OH SNAP! as Brad say! lol!

Nothing like pizza and vino for a Friday night at home.

So - want to make Kathy's Famous Pizza Dough?
Here's the recipe it's delicious!!
Kathy's Pizza Dough
* Mix 1 packet fast rising yeast, 1 C hot tap water, mix together then add about TBL of honey.
* Let sit for about 10 min or so.
* Then add about 2.5 C bread flour, mix together really well ( it will be a tinly bit most and dry) and let sit for 20-30 at most.
*After it rises, throw in a little flour, put flour on counter,, flour cloth, whatever you roll it on. then out flour on rolling pin and roll out.
* Add tomato sauce then your mozzerella cheese and what ever toppings you want.
* Bake at 500* for 15 min, but each oven is different so watch it. Put it on bottom rack.
BTW - another tip of Kathy's? Use bread flour - it makes it taste better.
In other news....
* Our A/C is fixed at the house
* Still waiting on someone to fix our rental
* I'm with CoCo on losing weight. This time next month we'll be chilling in the City By The Bay on our HONEYMOON!! WOOHOO!!


donatelli98 said...

Looks yummy! I wish I had the determination of Coco to do no carbs ... are you counting vino though? Technically it is a carb too?

The Soladay Family said...

You go. That looks wonderful! Cooking together is so much fun. =)

Sara said...

YUM!!! Definitely making that.

If the shoe FITZ said...

this is perfect timing! we are having pizza night this friday and I thought i would attempt my own dough too! thanks!!!!

starnes family said...

Glad the AC is fixed!

The pizza looks really delicious. Minus the mushrooms.

Mrs. Potts said...

Your pizza looks really yummy. I love that we're down the street from Hawthorne's. Pizza is one thing I've never made - gasp!

Lindsey said...

I love making my own pizza from scratch!! It's so good! We do that over the weekend sometimes too!! Yummy!!

Coco said...

Love Brad cooking...with his beer!!

Thanks for the recipe, I have yet to find a good crust recipe, and we have make your own pizza nights a lot around here!!!

teresa-bug said...

I LOVE homemade pizza. I use my bread maker to make pizza dough, so easy.