Okay – I’m TOTALLY proud of being from the South and all – but what do you think of being referred to as a ‘Southern Belle’ by people not from the South?
I’ve experienced a lot of this ESPECIALLY when visiting friends in California and when I worked in Reno.
The reason I bring this topic up – is I just reconnected with a girl I worked in Reno with who is from the SF Bay area and she wrote on my wall: Glad to hear you are loving being in Charlotte...Perfect for a Southern Belle like you!
I don’t necessarily take offense but in a way wonder if they’re making fun?
When I worked in Reno – I moved there after years of living in Baton Rouge and people made so much fun of my accent and I worked hard to sound more ‘non-southern’.
What do you think – is it flattering to be called a belle of the ball or not??
I’ve experienced a lot of this ESPECIALLY when visiting friends in California and when I worked in Reno.
The reason I bring this topic up – is I just reconnected with a girl I worked in Reno with who is from the SF Bay area and she wrote on my wall: Glad to hear you are loving being in Charlotte...Perfect for a Southern Belle like you!
I don’t necessarily take offense but in a way wonder if they’re making fun?
When I worked in Reno – I moved there after years of living in Baton Rouge and people made so much fun of my accent and I worked hard to sound more ‘non-southern’.
What do you think – is it flattering to be called a belle of the ball or not??

I think it's a compliment. I don't think she meant anything but that. Some others, for sure, but not this one.
I love living out of the south b/c I cherish the seasons....but Louisiana will always hold a special place in my heart. This, from a girl born and raised in Texas! (which I don't fully consider the "south" - not like Louisiana, Georgia, etc).
you are right Casey -- Texas isn't totally the south. I agree - just get a bit sensitive sometimes :(
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