I know I seem like a freak about the dog.. but again I don't have kids so this is my child.
Most people that have dogs or cats know how expensive and risky it can be to have your pet's teeth cleaned by at the vet. Really -- my concern is the danger of it with your pet having to be put under to have it done.
So -- I've never had it done that way -- instead I had Buddy's teeth cleaned by a woman out of California that actually cleans them the way humans get their cleaned. She was amazing -- I actually sat in there with her as she calmed him down and proceeded to clean his teeth!
Anyhoo -- I found out just this past weekend that in the state of NC her type of services are not legal -- so on to the next solution.
The holistic pet store that I go to suggested these 'shank bones' that you see Buddy eating in the picture above.
It's raw meat on a bone and if you give your dog one twice a week it cleans their teeth naturally because they chew on the bone.
Let me tell you what -- I'm sold! As you can see I put a towel down on his bed to have him eat on it and he was all about it!!

close up of Buddy eating the bone..

we were told precious needed hers done over a year ago-but haven't done it because it costs several hundred dollars. and poor precious is kind of far down on the list these days. never heard of someone doing it like humans. might have to research that one. i will try those bones though. can you get them at a regular pet store?
Yes, it is expensive.
The Houndstooth cleaning is about $120 and you get to sit in there with them while they do it.
Check out to see if they have it in Dallas.
As for the bones..
Not sure if they have them at regular pet stores.. she has them in freezers..
look at this though..
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