I don't generally get political on here but this is just downright F---ING ridonkulous!
Can you imagine if a Republican had said this about a Democratic commentator??
“I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight.”
Nice Wanda..real nice....
I'm done now...

Funny how Democrats can get away with saying almost anything...but Republicans who say the same things are called racist, sexiest snobs.
I try to avoid political chats so that I don't get off on a tangent, but you are so right here, and her crap really pissed me off!!! It's gonna make for a long 4-8 years!
You know, let 'em keep this up. Those who spit up in the air generally don't have a good time when gravity kicks in...
And gravity ALWAYS wins.
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