We're entering the last few days of 2013 and I'm already setting new goals and plans for next year.
My list is long.
Among them, being a better wife, mother, not trying to please everyone, cooking and exercising more.
But, in these last few days of the year, we still have more parties and events to attend.
One being tonight, then it looks like we're hosting a small dinner party here New Year's Eve.
We were planning on going to a NYE party at my co-worker's house but we couldn't find a local sitter.
My parents offered to come back and watch Shelby but we've just decided to lay low and stay home with our neighbors and do a progressive type dinner.
So, what has been going on around here since Christmas?
Well, starting with the 26th, I had oral surgery for two implants and Brad and Shelby both got very sick.
We were all down for the count and thank goodness my parents stuck around to help us out.
They helped get us to doctors, took care of Shelby, cooked, cleaned, did laundry and the list goes on.
Lifesavers for sure.
After hours of sleep that day, I did manage to get outside for a walk with Buddy and Shelby.
She loves her wagon.
Since then everyone is feeling much better, but my mouth is still sore.
Shelby is really into Buddy these days.
They're learning to play pretty good together.
Right before Christmas Buddy would growl and get a little too excited for Brad's taste, but now he's taken it down a notch and has even learned to let Shelby play tug-a-war with him.
She gets so excited and it melts my heart to see them become such good friends.
My big gift from Brad this year was a Kitchen Aid mixer.
I asked for it after not wanting one for years.
We both agreed it was time.
Brad is already enjoying it as much as me.
Pizza dough was the first thing made in it.
Delicious indeed!
Shelby is enjoying all of her Christmas loot too.
She got her first Highlights magazine in the mail and was so cute sitting in her little chair reading it.
Brad's mom bought her the subscription and I know she'll look forward to getting these little books in the mail.
She's already obsessed with this one!
Shelby and I got dressed up and did a little after Christmas shopping.
She wore her fur vest from Miss LuLu for the first time and of course, I had to semi match.
Yep, I'm one of those Moms!
Another one of Shelby's Christmas gifts included a growth ruler made by her Daddy.
Looks perfect in her room.
I would like to put her name on it somewhere, just not sure where or how.
Brad hung it today and we put her first mark on it.
How cute is this??
30.5 inches, just as the doctor measured the other day at her 1-year appointment.
Look how proud?!
I'm enjoying posting a lot the past week or so because I've been off work and there's been a lot to report.
Hope you guys are enjoying the last few days of this year.
You will LOVE your mixer! I use mine all the time! I love Shelby's fur vest-that is too cute!!!
Love that Brad made her gift. So precious. Shelby written in script at the top would be cute.....parallel with the side of the ruler.
Glad yall are starting to feel better. Yay for 2014!
Drew gets the Highlights magazine too and has no interest in it, ha. She really has no interest in books at all (except to eat)! Trent has gotten the next age one for several years and still loves it. Shelby looks all grown up. When did our girls get so big? Drew turns 1 in 3 days...I'm in shock!
That picture of brad and Shelby on the growth chart is too sweet!
She looks so tall by that ruler!
Love the animals prints, I can only imagine Brad's face! Ha
Lucky you getting a kitchen aid mixer! I would love one of those, but they are just so expensive. I'm sure I'll splurge on one one day. Can't wait to see everything you make with it. I know you've mentioned before that you both love making pizzas - I'm sure it makes the dough much easier to make!
And the growth ruler Shelby got is adorable! So glad you all had such happy holidays! :)
OMG I LOVE the pics of Brad measuring her with her little arms out. SO ADORABLE.
Lyla loves her Highlights magazine. In fact, she got mad at me for not opening it fast enough when it came in the mail the other day. Haha!
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