We have no real Halloween plans even though we've been invited to a party tomorrow night. Hubby and I aren't into dressing up. Not sure why but as you can see in the below photos -- it really hasn't been my thing ever.
This is a picture of me and my best friend Rebekah when we were in junior high school. Love how I spelled Beatles wrong and had to correct my sign.
Check out the 80's TV in the background too. Hysterical.

In college I did the poodle skirt again but you can't see it in this picture. Yes, lame.. very lame indeed.

I wish I had a picture of some of my Halloween costumes from my VEGAS days. One year my friend Cathy(who you see in the bottom of this above picture)dressed up as Hooters girls. We figured we both have big ta-ta's so why not? Plus, it was easy.
Well, we met up at the House of Blues in Mandalay Bay and some guy walked up to us and this is how the exchange went down:
Random Guy: Do you girls know Mary?
Cathy & I: Um...no? Are we suppose to?
Random Guy: Yeh, she works at Hooters here in town.
Cathy: We don't work there idiot! It's a F--ing Halloween costume!!!
I about died laughing. The craziest part of that costume(that I still have but wouldn't put my fat ass into now),is that when Cathy went and bought them for us -- the sizes were small, extra small and extra-extra small.
I do have a few Halloween treats for our niece and nephew so don't think I'm a total Scrooge on Halloween.
I'll leave you today with a new blog you must check out. Remember Matt and Mandy's Virginia wedding I blogged about in April? Check it out here..
Well, they moved to Bulgaria a few weeks ago and Mandy has now started a blog about their life there. VERY interesting to say the least. Check out her latest post here about being a movie star.

I LOVE seeing college party pics from the 90's....the decade before co-eds let it all hang out! Have fun at your party!
Mandy's blog is so fun! I'm her newest follower :)
I cannot believe you are not in love with dressing up for Halloween. Grrrr.... I am the typical "it is the one day I can dress like a tramp and get away with it" girl. I know. Boring. But I always look forward to it. Great Hooter's story!!!
This is actually the first Halloween in I can't remember how long that I am ACTUALLY dressing up!! and I am excited!!
Me & my boi are going to be at the Saints game on Halloween night so we are dressing up!!!
I hate dressing up too. I always dress the kids up but I haven't been a fan of dressing up since I was a kid. What's up with Rebekah's Democrats sign??? I too have worn the poodle skirt thing several times in the past. Have a good weekend.
The last time I dressed up for Halloween or even a party was 4 years ago. Not my thing really either. :)
I love Halloween but we are in that in between time right now. I feel like we are too old an boring to get dressed up and hang out downtown with the drunks. And we don't have kids yet so we can't to the trick-or-treating things.
The Hooters girl story is hilarious! Did y'all wear the nude hose underneath your short shorts??
Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
Cindy - the sign was a joke. It was my Dad's idea.
Sara - yes, we did wear the nude tights underneath because it was COLD!
Hooters food is way better than Shenanigans ;)
Happy weekend!
I was going to be a Hooter's girl a few years ago, but I could not bring myself to wear the shorts!
Have a great weekend...
I love how kids scratch out words and then use the same paper.
Happy Halloweekend!
Love the Hooters story! So funny!
Thanks for the shout out! We are headed to a dress up required party tonight and I hate it. Wait till you see pics of our costumes...so embarrassing!
Freaking hysterical. College pics are too funny...and we thought we were so cool.
I can't imagine you dressing like a Hooter's girl! You seem way too preppy.
How funny!!!!
I went in a poodle skirt on more than one occasion. Just loved the petticoats.
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