It's just 7 random things about me:
#1. I hate shopping in malls. I much prefer to buy everything in boutiques.
#2. I have a million books around the house that I've only partially read. ADD? probably.
#3. The only TV I like to watch(with the exception of Modern Family) are documentaries, reality shows and news.
#4. On a regular basis I find myself wide awake at 3am and not able to go back to sleep. I try and think of happy things to make my mind stop racing. Disneyworld and mountains.
#5. Wishes I didn't have big ta-ta's. Yes, I know people pay big money for them but I find them a hassle!
#6. I'm a huge history nerd! I wish I could find someone to take a trip with me up to Colonial Williamsburg this holiday season.
#7. I love Louisiana but would never move back. I would miss my mountains!

I've been to Williamsburg...but only to go to Bush Gardens! I'd love to go during the holidays, I hear it's amazingly beautiful!
i miss louisiana too and want to move back but know it won't happen anytime soon.
ps - i like big ta-ta's on everyone else but myself.
I LOVE Modern Family, and envy your big ta-tas. Except I like to sleep on my stomach. Conflict of interest!
i hate malls too, but go to often
I kind of agrees with having bog boobs. I mean, they are a pain in the ass. However, I get nervous if I got them smaller I would look funny!
I detest malls. Well, I just detest shopping in general.
What's the scoop!!?
I'll go to Colonial Williamsburg with you!
I broke my arm in Williamsburg when I was in the 8th grade. Awesome memory. ha!
Have you tried Ambien CR??? I used to have to take that occasionally because I would wake up at 2 or 3am and not go back to sleep.
If I lived near you I would go to Williamsburg - I hear it is beautiful!
I wish we were going to be home for Christmas this year and we could totally hit Williamsburg. It is pretty gorgeous during the holidays. Maybe next year :)
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