First things first on this post. Everyone knows I'm an LSU Tiger Fan!! Woot Woot! Love me some purple and gold!
I haven't been to a game in Tiger Stadium in a couple of years but I have managed to see them play at several away games.

But.. if you've been reading this blog for a while you also know that I married a Virginia Tech Hokie.
Yep, that means -- several times a year I get to dress up in orange and maroon and play Hokie fan.

Different but fun.

So, this last weekend was one of those weekends. I even went all out and bought a necklace from some random who was selling them at the tailgate.

This wasn't my first Hokie tailgate but it was one that had me comparing the difference between tailgating at LSU and then at VT.
#1. No gumbo or jambalaya is being cooked. Straight up hotdogs and chili.
#2. No ABITA beer. Just Bud Light and some of this.
Franklin County's Finest aka Moonshine. Yes, I had a taste. You don't see a lot of this in Baton Rouge.

#3. Maybe it was the area we were in but I didn't see a lot of RV's like they have decked out in Baton Rouge? Just tailgates which are fun and they have in BR too.
#4. Robot Mascots.
What are these?

My favorite part - BEER! Not gonna lie - that and hanging out with friends! Unfortunately it has been way too long since i have tailgated!
Moonshine! You guys are hardcore. I haven't tailgated in ages. Probably the part where we try to figure out how to smuggle the alcohol into the stadium is my favorite part.
OMG...were you in Lot 8???? It totally looks like you were in our lot. Which would be amazing. And would also piss me off at the same time...that we didn't go.
Next, that freakin cute! Excellent purchase :)
And that you had some good ol' moonshine! You know you are in Hokie territory when....
I can answer that, yes Lot 8. haha it's a great area. Glad you had fun Dee!
Well I haven't done it in so long, but for sure the beer and friends! We have been known to not even make it into the game. How was the moonshine?
nothing beats LSU tailgating fo sho!! and that is so true about the "robots" on stilts hahaha
maybe when you DO return for a game we can finally meet :)
OH my gosh - I've totally had Virginia moonshine! Remember I told you that I used to travel to Marion, VA all the time for work? Some guys we met had some moonshine and being the trusting person that I am, I tasted it. That stuff will set your mouth on FIRE. Hardcore fo sho!
Tailgating is one of my favorite things about football season. Seeing everyone, the spirit for each team, the awesome food, and of course - the cocktails. I love it all.
So true. Those stilts wouldn't last two minutes in BR. The walker would either fall down or some drunk guy would knock him down thinking it was hilarious!
I wish I went to a school with tailgating! Not at MD...I only went to 1 football game. haha Basketball is our territory!
I'm an SEC Grad (Go Vols!) who married a Hokie, too! I've yet to have the full on VT homegame experience, but I love to joke my husband by asking, What happens if someone forgets the Metallica cd?
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