As many of you know, our sister-in-law Robyn, was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago and had a double mastectomy this past Wednesday. I had walked in this race years ago but this year it had more meaning.
While we all walked Robyn was still in the hospital keeping up with it all through texting.
The race took place in Uptown Charlotte. 16,000 people showed up!!!

Robyn's neighbors organized the team. Creeker Crusaders was our name for their neighborhood Silver Creek. Yes, we were walking for Ra Ra's(Robyn)Ta Ta's. LOVE IT!

Here's most of the team. There are several people who showed up later and didn't make this picture.

The team leaders Julie and April did an amazing job. The tent, sign, balloons, cookies, Chick-Fila.

Buddy was part of the team too. I got him this Cure scarf that he lost during the race. Boohoo.

Julie and April got Harris Teeter to donate a cake too! Thanks HT!

Family photo. We went and visited Robyn in the hospital after the race and she couldn't get over Brad in pink!! Only for you Robyn! I guarantee it!

More Creeker Crusaders!

While making our way to the start line a reporter with the Charlotte Observer approached Brad wanting an interview. He said "Oh, to my wife. That's her thing." I started telling her why we were all there and then she asked for a quote. That's when I deferred to April, Julie and the rest of the neighbors that put this team together.

When at the start line I couldn't believe the amount of people. Again, 16,000!! It was like Mardi Gras!!
I'm not going to lie. I kept tearing up looking around at the people with shirts that had people's family members and friend's names on them. Shirts that said Survivor. Then I would think about Robyn and why we were all there. A moving, emotional experience indeed. It still tugs at my heart as I sit here and write this.

Me and our cousin Katie. It was so great to see how so many people came together for one cause.

As many of you know, my Aunt Bobbie passed away with breast cancer 3-years ago this month. So she too was on my heart and mind.

Buddy wasn't the only pooch decked out at the race!

During the walk there were bands along the way, people cheering, high school cheerleaders from around town, etc.
A big thanks to all of you who donated!! The Creeker Crusaders raised over $3,000! Our goal was only $1,000!!
Click here to see the final tally!! I am still moved by all the money you blogging peeps put in to help find a cure in honor of Robyn!
Click here to see the final tally!! I am still moved by all the money you blogging peeps put in to help find a cure in honor of Robyn!

After the race we went to the hospital and then out to Jeff and Robyn's house. She got out later in the afternoon so we had some family time.
Her brother Scott and her mom are in town to help out. The kids have loved it. Read more about Robyn's progress here.

After watching college football at their house -- and nearly having a heart attack over the LSU vs. Tenn. Game, sorry Allyson.
We met up with some friends at a local Octoberfest at a German restaurant.

What a great tribute to Robyn!! I love that Brad wore pink for her!! That and his quote - talk to my wife, that is her sort of thing - too funny! I was thinking of you when I heard about the LSU and Hokies games!
What a wonderful thing for you all to do together!!
Thanks again Dee for documenting the weekend. Feel like I there even though I wasn't. Love you!
Awesome. So great to see what people will do to build up another!
Yayee for Tatas!!! You have amazing family and friends and Robyn is lucky and can't wait to hear about her recovery. xoxo
I turned the game off after the last play and thought we lost. Didn't find out until much later we won! Crazy.
Glad you had a good turn out for the race and fund raising. Kudos!
How is Robyn doing really? Glad the walk went well.
I'm so glad the race was such a success! The sea of pink is both inspiring & awe inducing.
Race for the Cure is always such an emotional time. It's amazing to see a ton of people there for the same cause. United. It's awesome. Glad you got to be a part of that.
What a great way to honor a friend! Love all the dogs dressed up!
Any good beers at Oktoberfest?!
I have goosebumps. Such an amazing tribute to your sis in law. Sending her our prayers!
look how cute you are. this is amazing! i am loving the ra ra's ta ta's... :)
good job!
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