Thursday, October 29, 2009

Too Much to Say

Ohh... so much to say today but I don't want to put it out into cyberland. Because of's the short of it:

* work is changing a whole lot
* wedding - mmm...too much drama for me right now..I think I need a glass of wine right now.
* home - can you say refi?
* Brad - my love and my support. What a great guy for putting up with my shit lately.

Is it Friday yet?


starnes family said...

Sorry, Dee! Hang in there!

donatelli98 said...

Sorry - I hope it gets better soon!

If the shoe FITZ said...

Yea tomorrow is Friday and enjoy the wine!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your upcoming weekend and forget about all the small stuff!

SASS said...

I feel ya sister. Not the drama necessarily, but it seems like everyone wants to be involved, and I'm a lil stressed if I think about it too much. Isn't it great to have a solid man? Couldn't live without him. Well, I could, but I'd be a wreck without his comfort.
Hang in there! Drink the whole bottle, that's what I do. Woop!

Allyson and Dave said...

Hang in will all work out. I know how stressful anything to do with a mortgage can be. And any changes at work nowadays will make your nervous. And a wedding on top of that...In the end it will all be worth it.

Emily Popovich said...

Don't sweat the small stuff, Dee! Enjoy your vino and relax, it will all get better for sure. :)