We are back from our weekend in Hot Springs, Arkansas where my extended family held an sort of engagement party/family shower for us.
Are you ready for picture overload? I'm going to go backwards through the weekend because it's easier.
So above is a picture of us two at the party at my cousin's house.
Here's the front door at my cousin Kendra and her hubby's home on Lake Hamilton. It's gorgeous kiddos! and check out her cute fall decor!

This is the back deck at their home.. get the idea when I say 'nice'?

Our cake - my cousin Gena(Kendra's mother)made it for us.

And.. Kendra - who NEVER cooks made this beauty. Look familiar? She made a bigger version of the little cakes on the front of Southern Living this month.

The hosts of the shower. My Aunt is the one in the front with my Mom. The rest are first and 2nd cousins.

Brad, my Aunt Betty and me. Betty Sue and I are super close!

Here we are with my bestie cousin Alayna. You've heard me talk about her before on here.

My Maw-Maw who will be 94-years old in just 2 weeks! I think she look FANTASTIC!

We watched the LSU vs. Florida game during the party. What a bummer. We lost.......can you say new offensive line??

And..on Saturday morning I toured Brad throught downtown H.S.!

Here we are on Bath House Row at the Buckstaff. We didn't do a bath this time but we'll be back in February for our Arkansas wedding reception and we're totally doing one then.(I've done one before but Brad hasn't)

Friday night we took a boat ride to dinner....here's my cousin Kendra's hubby Stacy.
Here I am with Kendra and my bestie Alayna on the boat.

Here are all of us girls before getting on the boat. You've heard me talk about them before too

Friday morning after we flew in we drive up to Mt. Ida, Arkansas and visited my Uncle who lives up there near Lake Quachita. Here we are on the lake. So beautiful! They don't allow anyone to build on the lake!

And..here we are at the Mountain Harbor Resort where we had lunch with my Uncle and his wife.

Here I am with Kendra and my bestie Alayna on the boat.

Here are all of us girls before getting on the boat. You've heard me talk about them before too

Friday morning after we flew in we drive up to Mt. Ida, Arkansas and visited my Uncle who lives up there near Lake Quachita. Here we are on the lake. So beautiful! They don't allow anyone to build on the lake!

And..here we are at the Mountain Harbor Resort where we had lunch with my Uncle and his wife.

Overall, a GREAT weekend! No shenanigans since this is the 'non-boozing' side of the familia(even though we enjoyed a few on Friday).
Everyone loved Brad and I don't think he thinks my family is a bunch of kooks after all! (Well, maybe a few! haha!).
Happy Tuesday! I'm moving this weekend so- more on that!

What a fabulous weekend! So sad the Tigers lost, but I was not entirely surprised.
And, you look darling!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend!!
Looks like a great time!!!
Sounds like fun and always good when they like the fiance!
YAY! What a cute fall-themed shower!
Understand the negatory on shenanigans. Nobody drinks in Tony's family, or in mine! Where did we come from?!
So glad it was a blast :)
Looks like y'all had a blast! The cakes look so yummy!!
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