First off - my main email is through them and I have had it for 7-years and use it for business...NOT just personal.
Knowing this and knowing that I was moving I wanted TO MAKE SURE I could keep this address. I called weeks ago and was told one story. Call the day after you close your account and we can add your address to Brad's account. It will be all good.
GREAT! We called Sunday and they told us the email is good for 30days after the account is close and to call back in 28 days.
Today, I went and turned my equipment(modem, etc)in and when I got back to check this email............The account was deactivated.
After more than an hour on the phone and talking to 4 different people with 4 different stories I finally get an answer and get my account reactivated and attached to Brad's.
GIVE ME A F--ING BREAK! Why aren't they all on the same page there?! Have you ever heard of repeatable and consistant experience?
Yes, I hope they are reading this right now because I am OVER them.......
sorry for the rant.

I can totally relate to this. No major companies seem to have any accountability anymore. So annoying.
This is such an issue with so many companies. My most recent encounter is with the mortgage company. We are refinancing. One rep told me I did not have to pay October's payment. Then I was told I had to. I knew I had to...why would I not have to pay one month. But the first person I talked to swore I did not have to pay it. I would have been so mad when I got stuck with late fees and a ding on my credit for doing what I was told. Luckily I knew better.
How do these things even happen???
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