Now down to business. I wanted to give you kids a glimpse of the progress on Brad's pad-- soon to be mine too--
I told you there was no paint, no nothing.. well it's coming along. The official move is this weekend but I’ve slowly but surely been bringing items over to the house and getting things set up. Here are few pictures.

Brad putting rope lighting above the cabinets last night. I did this at my condo and it makes the kitchen look bigger!

It's hard to tell in this picture but it looks GREAT! I put it on a timer. Since we work - it comes on around 7am and off around 9am. On again at 4pm and off at 11pm. Try it!

I got the dining room chairs recovered. I was going to do it myself but opted out since there are 8 chairs. I think they turned out fab with the rug! It looks more red in this picture then it actually is.
The rug needs to be vacuumed! sorry. Buddy hairs!

Check out the paint! This was eggshell white before! The Buddy -- always getting in the pictures!

I love the effect the lighting has on the kitchen. Very Pretty!
I love all the changes and fun you're having. Also love that little antique table. Darling!
Love the lights on the cabinets! It can be fun merging your stuff together, and even more fun just getting rid of their bachelor crap!!
Lookin good in the new hood, lady! Have FUN! So happy for you two.
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