To sum up the move in one word? A BITCH!
I have to admit there wasn’t a ton to move but there were about 3 or 4 big pieces we had to move. The kicker with that? All of our friends and family were committed this weekend and couldn’t help. That left Brad and myself to do all the heavy lifting(literally).
My neighbor’s hubby came over and helped on the front end but the back end it was just me and B. Good thing I’ve been to the gym kids! I have NEVER WORKED SO HARD IN MY LIFE! I wish I would have had time to take pictures.. but there was none! At one point we had to hoist the frigging box springs over the deck to get it upstairs! I helped move an armoire, couch, heavy coffee table and a gigantic wall mirror!
All in all it got done. We are TOTALLY hiring movers when moving out of this 3-story joint! Haha!
So, what am I left with now? A lot of --hit to get rid of. I’ll take pictures tonight of our ‘hall of shame’.. a hall full of duplicate stuff to rid of.
I would be happy for the most part just taking it down to Goodwill but Brad is determined to sell all this junk on Craigslist and make some $$. We’ll see if that happens.
Anyhoo – for your viewing pleasure. A few things I’m trying to sell. Don’t get too excited.. it’s not a Burberry coat or a Coach purse. Just stuff.
Ready? Here we go…

My 9-place setting of everyday dishes. My Mom bought these for me about 5 or 6 years ago. It used to tbe 12 but I've broken some plates here and there. I like Brad's square set better.

Duplicate blender...questions on CL but no takers yet..
TV/VCR combo that I bought the year I graduated from college(1997). VCR doesn't work anymore but it's been fine for my bedroom. Someone is coming to buy it tonight for $15!

Wine rack. I like it but Brad has two of them and this one takes up too much room. Got posted to CL today.

Decorative pedestal. I've had it one of my bathrooms for several years. Tired of it, no where to put it.. not sure I even like it anymore!

Brad's Foreman Grille. I have one too but mine is bigger and better so mine wins!

And.. a Kenneth Cole roller/fold out suitcase that is fairly new. My parents brought it to me but I've decided I'm not going to use it. I try and carry on my luggage these days and this one doesn't fit. I have 2 other suitcases - both which are checkable and are better suited for me.
Well, more to come kids! Happy Monday!

Isn't it nice to be almost done? Blake's company moves us to our initial to the rental house we're in now....but then if we move buy, as planned.....we'll have to do it ourselves. Lots to do!
You guys crack me up...leave it to Brad to sell it all...haha Too funny. Hope you get some loot though! Boys off this weekend for a fun time I'm sure...I'll be exhausted with the rugrats I'm sure!
Hey if you can make a buck - go for it! Glad everyone got moved in!
I feel ya, lady. I've moved several times (much easier for me I'm sure, but still a bitch) but Tony had movers when I moved into his house. I would NOT have been so appreciative if I hadn't moved myself so much. And that was before the Jeep!
Can't believe you did it yourselves. Congrats! I'd sell it too. I'm weird like Bradster. See, $15? Nice!
P.s. I'm uber jealous of your winter wedding right now. I think it's because that's what season I'm enthralled with right now. Hopefully I'll be excited about spring when it approaches! Would love to have a cozy winter wedding.
Wow, check out that novel Weirdo wrote above this comment. Psh.
Forgot to give you the link on Etsy. All I did was type in "Wedding hair accessories" in the search box. And voila! Or click on Weddings on the left side--beware. There's tons of cute stuff, but some is way pricy. Like those birdies? $150 smackaroos. Did you ever decide on a veil? I think I'm still having issues deciding.
I just love to get rid of things. I long to live a clutter free life. But I doubt it will happen...
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