BUT.. I'm still sensitive to what it takes for on-air personalities to work their way up from reporting in Pohdunk , America making $13,500 a year to a job in a bigger market where you can actually pay bills, then possibly(if you're good enough)to make it to the big bobs..the network.
Soooooo...saying that -- I'm very disturbed by NBC's decision to make Jenna Bush a contributor/reporter.
Reporting from Yellowstone earlier this week she TOTALLY AND COMPLETLEY SUCKED!! Check out a clip on Perez's page.
I'm sorry - it's just not fair people. Just because your from a prominent family you get a job that others, who are ten times better than you, have worked their ass off for??

And Miss Jenna isn't the only one who has received this 'special' treatment. NBC has also given the late Tim Russert's son Luke a job too.
What has he done, except for a bit of sports radio, to get such a job? How is he an expert in politics??
He sucks too in my opinion.

Can you tell I'm bitter?? Just wrong...wrong...wrong...

I haven't watched the Yellowstone report, but I heard it sucked.
Just goes to show - it's about who you know.
That does suck...but, I guess we know it is all in WHO you know, not WHAT you know.
Thought I was being creative and the commenter above said the same thing. Ha
I think that's crap too! She was NOT good at all.
OMG, I was thinking the same thing. She sucked ass!
I have several friends who are on air (reporters, host, etc)...even dated two (ha)...and you are right, they have had to work HARD to get where they are today! It's a tough biz.
They'll bring in ratings.......surely......people are curious. But, I'm assuming they won't last if they're not good!
She is pretty bad but I gotta be honest...I might tune it in just because it is her and not an unknown. So it might help the ratings at first...until people cannot stand her anymore.
I guess what happened is that her first attempt looked real bad because she was not looking at the audience, so they took away her notes and her second attempt she did from memory, which also looked bad. But real, who will fire her. Does anyone believe she is a nature? Did she get this job because who her father is? As many say how “W” got his job because of who his father was. Here is another “W” failure.
NBC just needs some Sass in their lives, obviously.
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