DeAnna: I made some cookies do you want to take some into work to share with your co-workers?
Brad: No, take them to your work.
DeAnna: I am but why not take some to your co-workers too? Everyone loves when people bring in food.
Brad: Uh.. it’s not cool for guys to bring that kind of thing to work.
Seriously?? I heard this with a former boyfriend too… Is it really that ‘unmacho’ to bring cookies or other goodies to your co-workers that your fiance’ or wife makes? Needless to say. My co-workers are enjoying double their pleasure today.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Blake brings stuff in all the time now, but I think he looked at me strangely the first time I offered.
Who the hell knows? Guys are so weird.
The Fireman will take anything to work to eat...those firemen are not proud at all. If there is food involved, who cares if it shows up in a cute pink tin, they will eat it up.
Mr. Potts love to take things I make into the office. Actually, the people he works with love it too!
Adam takes stuff to work all of the time. His assistants HATE me because it is usually stuff that is fattening and I don't want it sitting around.
He will eventually, I guarantee.
Guys are weird.
Their loss! Silly boys. At least it leaves more for you and your friends!
I just realized I didn't answer your question about if we live in Baton Rouge. We don't live there but I work there. We live about an hour from BR and about 40 minutes from where my husband works. I keep our actual location on the DL with the blog just because I feel wierd about that kind of info being on the internet but you can email me at Ber611 at aol dot com if you're interested in specifics :-)
Congrats on winning the giveaway, thanks for playing!
So funny!! I've never tried to send ANYTHING with Tony to work. Not even lunch. Can't believe I've never thought of that.
Growing up the Marines loved it when we (my mom, sister and I) sent in food with Dad. As a grown-up I wouldn't know, since I haven't dated anyone recently who worked in an office.
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