Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Loss of Bumpkin

This blogging world seems weird to a lot of people. I was talking to a former co-worker the other day and she mentioned wanting to start a blog. I told her she should because I have met so many great people.
She responded with: "You've met people through blogs?"

People really don't have a clue until they jump in there themselves. There are many of you whom I've never met but we're friends on Facebook and many of you who I've even talked to on the phone. Some of you I have even met.

Giving that.. I was really sad to learn the news of a blog friend passing. A fight with cancer that was short. Just 3-weeks.
It was Lisa aka Bumpkin on A Swing.

She found me through a mutual Louisiana blogging friend and I'm heartbroken by the news.

She always left the sweetest comments on my blog and her posts consisted of inspirational messages and in recent months messages about her beloved Gulf Coast and the fight against oil.
My prayers are with her beloved Captain John, who I know is missing her like crazy. Hugs and Prayers Captain John!
We will miss you Bumpkin!


MCW said...

The blogging community is so hard for others to comprehend...I will miss Bumpkin dearly. Can't wait to meet you my friend. xoxo

The Jones Family said...

That is just so sad, I'm so sorry about your friend. Praying for her family and friends!

{Kimber} said...

that is terrible...so sad to hear that.

donatelli98 said...

So sad to hear the news.

starnes family said...

Oh, Dee. How sad!

Life is so short.

Sara said...

That's awful! So sorry for Bumpkin's friends and family.

The Soladay Family said...

So sorry about your friend. What a heartbreaking loss..

The Rand's said...

So sad to hear that. My thoughts are with you and her family and friends.

Anna Walker said...

I understand what you mean by making friends through the blogging community...It was very sad to hear the news about Bumpkin...so crazy to hear about.

Monica said...

This is heartbreaking.

Nikki said...

Such sad news. I'm so sorry for their loss, and the loss of the blogging community.

I really do feel like I personally know a lot of bloggers, allowing me to give them unsolicited advice.

Thanks for your comment yesterday! I wish you lived in the PNW too! Awesome beach cruiser ride through the Callaway Gardens. We have nothing that cool around here.

Jen said...

Seriously, can you even believe all of this?? Lisa's comments and emails and kind words always made my day. I'm not sure how it's going to be without here. I'm sa sad about all of this!!! :-(

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Dee, this post is absolutely lovely and spot on...hard to comprehend how many lives Lisa touched around the world with her friendship, kind thoughts, spunky comments and general lovliness. I am grateful to be a part of the network of friends she cared about so much and promise to stay close. Hugs to you dearest xoxoxoxo

Splenderosa said...

Thank you for posting such a lovely tribute to our girlfriend, Lisa.

Splenderosa said...

Thank you for posting such a lovely tribute to our girlfriend, Lisa.