Topic: Vera Bradley
No Joke...
When I first moved back East after living in Nevada(Reno/Vegas) for five years I'll never forget walking into a Hallmark shop in Atlanta and seeing a display similar to this one.

Here's how the conversation went down.
Dee: What are all these grandma looking purses/totes????
Sales person: "Why Vera Bradley!" Haven't you heard of her?
Dee: Ummm..No! It's like I've been living under a rock either. I've been clubbing it in Vegas and hanging out in Laguna on weekends(LOL) and I've never seen or heard about these. Must be a Southern thing?
Sales person: Yes! They are the hot thing here on the East Coast and in the South. Jump on board.
Dee: Sorry.. a little to maw mawish for me.

Is it just me? I'm sorry..
I'm a Southern Belle but this just DOES not fit my taste at all. For goodness sake - not even my Mom likes them(and someone gave her one as a gift).
I'm not one of those people who jumps on a trend/fad unless I actually like it. Know what I mean?? People here in the CLT love these purses. Makes me cringe to be honest.
As for the weekend -- we laid low and actually STAYED.IN.TOWN. Wowzers! Nice!! Happy Monday!

I am totally with you...although I have seen some cute designs lately. But doubt I'll ever spend my own money on one.
I agree with Fitz - there are a couple cute designs - for a makeup bag (I have a tiny little VB makeup bag in my purse)but not as a purse. My MIL loves them so I buy her VB stuff when they run it on clearance at my Hallmark store. Very Granny/Mam-maish (that's how we spell my Maw-Maw) - weird I know).
I think those bags age you by 20 years lol! They're awful!!
I won't lie, Vera is so not my thing. But I know so many people who love it! I guess whatever floats your boat!
I never heard of it before and I agree with you, I don't think I can match it with my outfit..
It depends on the pattern. But I don't like to see them all together. Plus it doesn't help that my Grandma likes them too ;)
Not a fan unless it's a makeup bag.
OK...don't vomit. I have a HUGE bag that zips across the top. I got it about 3 years ago and I have to say it is the BEST bag to take as a carryon on the plane. I throw my purse in it along with everything else I take along with me.
So if I only use it 1 maybe 2 times a year am I still cool?? It is really useful...
My mom has an entire luggage set! I am not a fan. Every once in a while I see one that I like for a cosmetic bag or something like that. I cannot imagine carrying that as luggage in the airport. It would get filthy!
I think this was one of the few trends that started in the south and worked its way across the nation. Too bad it wasn't a better trend!
I have make-up bags by Vera. I hate the purses. I think some Southern Women like to grow up before their time!
Ahaha Carrie!
I'm not a huge fan, they're just not my style at all. I feel that way about many trendy things, though. I'm only obsessed if it's my style. Plus, I think these look like blankets or something. I like my purses in leather ;)
P.s. Good for beach or travel, though. Everyday, not so much.
Hahaha...I'm laughing so hard right now. I discovered Vera maybe 8 years or so ago? I can't even remember. And I bought a wallet and a purse in bright colors and thought they were presh. And then I was over them. And then everyone got all excited about Vera. And I don't get it. If you want to try one out just let me know :) I've somehow managed to be gifted a bunch of stuff that I will never use. Blog sale perhaps? Hmmm...
Not a fan either. Not sure I ever will be, even when I'm a grandma!
for some reason i have missed your blog for a couple days???
I am so with granny purse. my mom loves them. she was carrying one for a while and i thought it was a freebie from lancome or something, then i saw several around on older ladies. finally realized it was a VB....but yeah, not for me!
I'm wiht ya girl...they are too mawmawish for me too!
so with you on this one. My college boyfriend's mom bought me a bunch and I have gotten rid of all of them!!
I guess I'm alone here but I love Vera Bradley and have for over 20 years. (so I don't see them as trendy) I starting buying them in Chicago so I don't even think of them as Southern....just preppy. But I respect everyone's opinion just the same.
I'm so happy I'm not the only one... I will never understand the obsession. I guess if we all liked the same thing it would be a boring world but ick :)
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