Many of the discussions have surrounded nicknames and giving children names where they go by their middle name. I personally am not a fan of the middle names but that’s just my preference. I think if you are going to give a child a first name – call them that.
My name is DeAnna and I go by Dee part of the time now but not all the time. More on how I got the name Dee in a moment.
When my Mom was pregnant with me she knew we were moving to Europe a month after I was born. Because of that she wanted a name that sounded sort of ‘Euro’.
That’s how she came up with DeAnna but to be pronounced Dee-Ahna. Never happened. I’ve always been called Dee-Anna. Oh well… My Mother was and is still very big on not having nicknames for kids.
Such as: I have a cousin named Kenneth but they’ve always called him Korky, etc.

Now as a kid I got the nickname from close friends(who still call me this to this day) DeNanner. Yes, it’s now my twitter name. It was derived from the ryhme.."DeAnna the Banana."
I know you all are wondering where I’m going with this. Well – now we get to Dee. No one had ever called me this UNTIL college. I had never met many DeAnna’s in my life but when I went through sorority rush at Louisiana State University I met two other girls named DeAnna! I couldn’t freaking BELIEVE IT!!!!
Well, guess what?
We all pledged the same sorority.
Sorry for the sucky picture but I took this picture with my phone last time I was in Atlanta. This bid-day picture of our pledge class lives there.
I'm in the back row the first one from the left. That's me,Gina and bestie Rebekah with our goofy sailor hats on.

Well, the three DeAnnas posed a problem, even though technically one was DeAnna, one of us was Deanna and the other was DeAnn.
See, we had this thing called the Greek Directory on campus that had everyone’s numbers listed in it by sorority or fraternity and listed as pledge or active. When we would hit the bars at night or an ‘exchange’ on Thursday night we would meet guys and tell them to look us up in the directory if they wanted to go out or go to a football game together.
Well, I had Deanna’s guys calling me and my guys were calling DeAnn and DeAnn’s guys were calling me or Deanna. WHEW!!
So, after several episodes like this we stood up in our chapter meeting one night and decided that I was now Dee to make it easier! So from now on there was a Deanna, DeAnn and a Dee!!
That’s how it goes folks. Dee it was!! It’s pretty much stuck. Granted…I still introduce myself to people as DeAnna!!
How gay am I? LOL.

What a precious story!! Clearly it is very important to have the guys calling the right girls :)
I have never met anyone with the same name as me. Hmph.
My Mom mistakenly gave her first three daughters names that begin with a D. Denise, Diann, and Dionne. She'd get so damn tongue tied when she would try to yell at us lol!
Everyone in our hometown gets us confused if they try to call us by our names so we're now Momma D, Dirandaded (I have no idea who came up with this one!) and Dee! Lol it works for them!
Thats a fun story! I never really had a nickname growing up. My sisters and I just add random letters onto each other's names, does that count?
So funny - I love the story. I go by my nickname and always have - my parents named me Cynthia but I have always gone by Cindy - with everyone (family included). We had the middle name thing in our family - I think it is a Southern thing. My mom is Linda Sue and goes by Sue - although when she was younger went by Linda or Linda Sue. My brother is Kermit Lee (named after my grandfather) and hs always gone by Lee. Crazy!!
Bahaha! Very funny story. I like unique baby names and my Husband always tells me everything that is wrong with them.
awesome post, darlin!
I love how you had to use the Greek Directory. How did we date without cell phones???? haha
I think it is a cute story of how you came to "be" Dee. :)
Greek directory - taking me back old school!
You must take a new name if it confuses the boys!!! You certainly seem like a Dee! I'm with you, though, name your kid what you want them to be called.
This is funny story! I like nicknames. I think it's because with a name like Jennifer you are automatically, Jen or Jenny. I have never ever gone by Jenny..I actually don't like it. Usually, go by Jen and then in college my last name. The hubs goes by Fitz with our college friends. Not many people knew our first names...we actually rec'd a wedding invite once and the inside envelope said Fitz and "my maiden name" HAHA
Sorry it's taken me a while to stop by - I saw that you left a post a while back on our N.C. trip (we went to Blowing Rock).
Funny story about the nicknames. I go by a shortened version of my name, but my daughter goes by her full name, even though there are multiple nicknames for hers. Hubby and I just couldn't agree on one, so full name it is! With our son, he goes by the Irish nickname of his full name.
Have a great day!
I like nicknames too. We are full of them, obviously. Too many nicknames to list out actually.
Cute story on where yours came from!
We are not big on knicknames. AT ALL. In fact, we named our 3 kids their names for several reasons.....but a big part of our choices was that they couldn't be shortened.
Lainey (sometimes Laine or LC, but typically not said by me)
However, Carter is Blake Carter b/c his father is named in a similar fashion after his dad....and they each go by their middle name.
It's a pain in the ass....always introducing him with an explantion.....but we've made it through OK.
Love the DG pic!
When you have 4 children, nicknames become part of roll call! Ha!
Funny story. How random to meet 3 girls with the exact same name as yours being that it is pretty unique. =)
Haha! Thanks for sharing! I go by a nickname as well. I ALWAYS have to explain it when I meet people b/c they always look at me with a question mark. :)
Funny story!!
We debated forever on Hudson's name. Trey is the 3rd and he really wanted a 4th, but his full name is Edwin Kimball. NOT a fan of Edwin for a little boy...although it's kind of grown on me now, but I knew he'd end up being an Ed. Love the name Kimball but I hated the fact that his teachers all of his life would stand at the front of class and say: Edwin, Edwin.....and he'd have to stand up and say: I actually go by Kimball. Not to mention- that would get shortened to Kim eventually. And....NO THANK YOU.
So -- we went with Hudson instead. :) Then end to my story.
Nobody calls me Courtney, except Adam. Isn't that weird. It is always Court. And of course Coco.
My dad and brother are called by their middle names b/c everyone is Robert and then everyone goes by the middle name.
Bram's real name is Bramlett. Family.
Darling little story and precious pic.
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