So, I've been having super weird, crazy dreams lately. All of them -- I wake up and wonder if it really happened or was it just a dream? Most of them have to do with work. I've been like this for years but geez whiz!? Anyone else experience this?
I went to volunteer at the USO Center last night and when I walked in my cousin was sitting at the desk working. I was floored!! How freaking cool right? It was his first time volunteering and he said when he signed up for the shift he saw my name and couldn't believe it either. What a small world/town. He and his wife will be volunteering together. I'm sure we'll be on more shifts together.
And.. drumroll please!!
Our friends Kathleen and Dean had their baby yesterday!!!!!!!
Wait for it!!
IT'S A BOY!!! Blake Andrew was born at 1:44pm 8pounds 8 ounces.
Look how cute she looked just a week ago.

My friend Alicia said it looked fake. Like a basketball under her dress! We are so very happy for them! I almost feel like my sister had a baby and I don't even have a sister!! We can't wait to meet baby Blake!!
Moving backwards to the rest of our weekend. We went back up to High Rock Lake and hit the Boat and Ski Club with my in-laws Friday night.
Of course, we went by boat.

Their food? AMAZING!! I enjoyed a grilled Mahi Mahi with veggies. Yummy!

Mother and son :-)
My FIL loves his new John Deere!
Of course, we spent time feeding the ducks. The 'other' Stephens grandchildren as my SIL likes to call them.
I helped my MIL upload some pictures to Facebook this weekend and when I looked through the memory on her camera she must have had 100 pictures of these ducks on there!! LOL!
Yes, even the Bradster likes to get his duck feed on.
Yes, even the Bradster likes to get his duck feed on.

No kidding. MIL has gotten these ducks feeding out of her hand. They even let her pet them!! Shenanigans.

Later on in the evening we went to the neighbors where they were having their son's 16th birthday. We've become pretty good friends with them so they invited us.
Could the bags under my eyes be any bigger? Geezers.
He was surprised with a car. Not just any car though. A freaking BMW!!! I would love to post a picture of his face when he saw the car but he's 16 and I'm not sure the family would be okay with me posting his face on the worldwide web without their consent.
So for now... this is what you get.
Brad and I both commented that we wish we were 16!! Holy Cow!! Awesome indeed, even though I think it's a bit much for a first car.(just my personal opinion)
My first car was a 1987 Dodge Charger that I wrecked 6-months after I got it.
How was your weekend? What's new with you blogging peeps?

Mine was a tan mini van. I hated it, but it sure did carry quite a few folks. I'm totally buying my kids a 2 seater car.
Yes, her belly looks fake. Fun weekend!
wow!!! what a great freakin' prezzie!!
congrats to your friend :)
Glad you guys had fun. We saw that car last weekend and thought the same thing...."lucky kid'! My first car was my dad's used Mazda which had suction cups on the passenger side window because if you rolled it down the window would practically fall in. Classy!
What a fun weekend! I love reading about your weekend adventures every Monday morning!
Ok - Kathleen is way too cute to be that pregnant! Congrats to them - love the name of their new baby boy!! Beemer for 16th birthday - a little too over the top if you ask me. I didn't get a car until I bought my own mt freshman year in college.
a beemer???? wow! ok, dee dee, you don't really want to be 16 again, do ya? lol.
you are looking great!
Oh! She was so tiny & cute last week. Love that picture of her.
Love the car.
Looks like a fun weekend.
I've been having weird dreams lately, too, but I think it's because my stress level is at an all time high. Obviously!
My 1st car was a 1980 Toyota Corona. Not Corolla...It was in such bad shape I am surprised my parents let me drive it. But, it was FREE!
I'm so glad I had a crap car to start with. Less pressure, and I ended up wrecking it. So...I tend to agree with you on that one.
Glad you're feeling better this week- I think that's a great pic of you and Bradster- and I see no bags, btw!
My first car was a used mustang convertible that I had to share with my mom for the first year. Nothing over the top but she was my girl! :)
A BMW, yeah... in my dreams!
Cute pic, looks like it was a fun weekend.
yeah, nice car!!! WTF?? And congrats to your friend. If I looked that stinking cute knocked up, I would do it again. You and your lake going....jealous!!
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