Maybe it’s time for me to start saying no?
Here’s how my week has gone down so far.
*Work all day while not feeling my grandest but ponied up and was the good worker.
*Left work a bit early to drive half-way across town to my doctor(need to find a new one..this is getting retarded).
*Waited at the doctor for an hour an hour and half.
*Drove across town again to go visit my Maw Maw who just moved to town.
*Drove another hour to get home and go to the pharmacy just in time to get the filled before they closed.
*At home by 9pm. Tired…sick…not even hungry for dinner.
Tuesday(so far):
*Up and at it early. Work by 7:30am.
*At the Jr. League by 9am to start shooting our video for the 85th anniversary.
*Shot video all day and organized things. Oh.. and found out that my co-chairman and I are opening the entire fall kickoff meeting!! WOW! C and I need to write an opening ASAP giving that there’s 1500 women at the first meeting.
*Out the door to head back to work before 3pm(another 30minutes…15mins. Drive and 15minute walk up a hill in the 95-degree heat in a suit)
*Work until 5pm or so.
*7pm -- Suppose to have ANOTHER JLC meeting but THANK GOD it’s been made into a conference call.
Now.. I need to go to the gym when I get home. Think I can rally?
Tomorrow and the rest of the week are about as equally busy with the EXCEPTION of no after work activities(except the gym). I can honestly say I will be ready to hit the lake with a brewskie this weekend!!
Thanks for listening blogging peeps! Wish me luck!!

I feel your pain!! There are days when I wonder how I do it.
I think saying no is a good thing sometimes. Give it a try every now & then. :)
I felt like Monday (yesterday) was Thursday... not a good way to start the week!!
I also have one little pup (both are maltese) that take FOREVER to learn easy trick... Charlie is just a whiz :)
Hope your drugs are helping! Nothing worse than tons of things to do and feeling bad!!
Well, I hope you feel better and get some downtime soon!!
Good luck, Dee! Hang in there. I'm up to my ears in exhaustion right now.
How is it only Tuesday!!! I feel like it's Thursday already!
I hope you're feeling better!!!!
Luckily the netflix we got tonight was lame so I was able to walk the dogs and tire shine my rubber boots. Normally the dogs come first but I was exhausted!
Did you make it to the gym??
Hope you are feeling better today!
hang in there....and get to feeling better so you can enjoy your weekend
You had me at walking up a hill in the heat in a suit...
Haha Carrie. I totally agree. Dee, you're crazy! I know that feeling- sometimes there's just SO much going on, you can't help but be that busy. Hang in there, lady! And have a FEW brewskies at the lake! You deserve it!
Right there with you girl! This week is actually somewhat reasonable for me, but I've got to start saying no. I've found lately that when I try to, people say "why? why won't you do that?". And then I get uncomfortable and say that I will. I decided I'm going to start saying "because I really just don't want to." I can't wait to see how they react to that :)
I hate to say no, but sometimes you just have to! A person can only do so much before they go crazy!! Tomorrow is Friday - hope you have a nice relaxing weekend planned! Feel better doll!
you must have fallen asleep all week! your last post was TUES! wake up! it's TGIF!
Hope you're feeling better. Enjoy your weekend!
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