One show Brad and I have decided to see is this guy -- John Mayer who will open his tour here in the Queen City on July 16th. Even better? Opening act is Train. I really like John's music even though I'm not a big fan of him in general.
I told Brad that and he said:
Brad: "Why, because he's banged a lot of hot chicks?!!"
Dee: "Uh, no....."
Even though I've never met Mr. Mayer personally I had a video crew/reporter who did back in my Fox Charlotte days.
The story goes like this:
Video crew/reporter were invited to interview John while he was in town for a show. (The TV show I used to produce was fun and entertainment driven no news.)
The reporter jokingly asked John on camera if it was true that he was dating Jennifer Love Hewitt.
What did John do??
Went crazy!!! He grabbed the microphone from the reporter and proceeded to look for Jennifer Love under the craft table, all around the room(while yelling at the same time), then looked straight into the camera and screamed the C-WORD!(Yes, that disgusting word).
Then he threw the microphone down and stormed out of the room. His people were so freaked out that they threaten to sue us for the footage because they were afraid we would sell it to Access Hollywood and other shows. My boss made us hand it over.
So, that's why I feel the way I do about John. Why be such a jerk??

Moving On to the next show we are looking forward to. We have tickets to see WICKED the Musical at the end of May!!!!
I have never seen it but hear it is fabulous!!! Brad was a little leery of me spending the $$ I did on tickets but my theory is - why buy tickets if you have to use binoculars to see the stage??!!

I'm sure he will think it is well worth it.
What shows or events are you looking forward to this spring/summer??
Well, that's it for today!! TGIF!!

I can't get over the picture of Buddy smiling below. So cute.
No shows planned thus far. We're saving $$ for Worlds of Fun passes and our summer vacation. Widespread isn't coming to KC this round.....hopefully next!
Blake and I saw John Mayer nearly 10 years ago........way before he was big like he is now......when his first record had just come out. Blake has a knack for finding good music before it gets super popular. The show was fun.....he sounds dead on like his cds. No improvisation then......but it was good!
John Mayer's music is so great, but I've heard other reports like yours. Too bad for him.
Ryan and I are huge fans of live music too. There's just something about the whole experience. We're going on a little getaway next weekend to see Darius Rucker...former lead for Hootie and the his voice!
Wow...crazy story about John Mayer! I'm not a big fan of his. I like his music okay, but it all sounds so much alike.
Love Train. That will be a great opening act!
I've heard Wicked is incredible!
No shows planned for us....yet.
I'm with you, like Mayer's music but overall I think he's a huge douche. Your story just proves it even more.
Happy Friday! :)
trust me whatever you paid for the Wicked will BE WORTH IT!!!! just seeing the poster makes me want to see it again right now!!!! I LOVE IT!!
and I am with you on Mayer...his music---AMAZING!! his attitude?--not so much
We are such the opposites when it comes to music. I cannot stand John Mayor his music. Seriously...his music makes me want to pull my hair out. I feel the same way about Dave Matthews. I find them both incredibly boring. And I am slowly realizing that I am the only person in the whole world that feels this way. Dave loves them both.
We are going to see U2 again this summer in Miami. I may go see Jimmy Buffet next weekend in Tampa. And I am trying to convince Dave to go to Vegas to see Lady Gaga. We'll see how that goes.
Hey Soul Sister - I love that song by Train! Should be a good show. I like John Mayer's music but like you not a huge fan of him.
No show plans for us. Lots of small bands at outdoor venues, nothing big.
I have seen JM several times and he is great. But he is a little punk, huh?
Good story.
I am going to see Wicked too and I CAN'T WAIT! I did fork over some serious dough for the tickets, but I guess that is a small price to pay for a great musical. My mom and I are going!
JM puts on a good show and that's about all he is good for! Love him live.! I already have told the men in my life that's what I want for my bday!
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