Thursday, March 5, 2009


Most everyone knows that I enjoy being active which includes exercise. As you can see in the above pictures - hiking is my favorite form of exercise. While I try to hit a trail as much as I can --- I don't get out there as much as I like -- which in turn lead me to break down and join a gym.
I'm not a big fan of gyms -- which is why I've always opted for walking outside with Buddy, yoga or hiking. I thought I would give it a try though and I have to say I've really enjoyed it!
My new favorite piece of gym equipment is the Stepmill. I'm telling you ladies, this cardio machine works better than any other.
You will seriously see inches fall off and you burn a ton more calories in half the time of walking on a treadmill.
It's basically like walking up stairs - different than a Stairmaster in that it's a rolling step. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

starnes family said...

That looks like a total beating! You're a better woman than me. it....that machine....scared of it.

Cute pic of you hiking!