Sunday, March 1, 2009


It has done nothing but rain here in Charlotte this weekend and they're saying that tonight it will turn to snow. I guess we'll see?
Giving the weather has been dreary Brad and I decided to go to a store today that we've heard a lot about - Fintastic, a store for aquarium lovers. Neither one of us have fish but we thought it would be interesting and it was!
This place had any type of fish you would ever want - including sharks! That's right - 2 sharks!
One of the employees said that someone dropped them at their door one night. They're actually going to give them to an aquarium soon because they say they get ginormous!
Anyhoo -- one thing I learned from our little adventure - is that if you're going to have an aquarium, and do it right, you better have some cash. There were certain fish in there that were upwards of $350 a piece!
If you're interested in visiting Fintastic - it's in Arsley Town Center off of S. Tryon here in Charlotte.

One of the employees told us that he would come install this in our house for a mere $80K

checking out the fishies!

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