Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Five

Joining in on the Friday Five Fun even though I don't officially link up anymore.
I haven't posted much this week because there's really nothing exciting to post about.
I'll give a 5 my best shot though.
#1. We're heading to North Myrtle Beach for the long holiday weekend.
We scored a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo for a great deal and even though it's going to be chilly it will be nice to get away and there's a ton to do with kids.
This will be my first time to the beach during the Winter months.
#2. I'm over sickness.
Shelby was sick yet again this week.
Tuesday morning Brad and I traded out and I was to take Shelby to school.
Fully dressed in a suit and her dressed for school she starting puking all over herself and the kitchen.
So, I called in and stayed home.
It seemed to be a 24-hour thing but I refuse to send a sick baby to nursery school to infect the other children.
During our time home she would play a little.
She seems to be getting the hang of the Sit N' Spin.
Concentration PEOPLE!!
She is all enamored with the dog.
She is obsessed with him these days.
#3. Mr. Buddy is still top doggy.
The pooch is still pretty spoiled and top dog at our house despite the addition of Shelby into our family.
We snuggle on the couch at night and even during the day when I'm home and I still cover him up when he naps so he can stay warm.
Yes, I'm a nerd.
Brad asked me if Buddy told me that he was cold.
I said, no!
But, I can just tell!

#4. Cute little runner.
I can't resist posting this because it hasn't been seen anywhere yet.
My Mom bought Shelby this Nike track suit and it's so freaking cute.
#5. Shelby's new favorite sitting spot.
In the fridge.
I hear this is a new thing called 'Riccing'

And, a little dose of extra today.
5.5 Ski trip on the books.
Brad and I booked a trip up to the mountains for our 4th wedding anniversary next month.
My parents will watch Shelby and we will ski one day and the rest of the weekend sit in our chalet, enjoy a fire, sip wine and maybe venture into town. 
That's all I have for today.
Everyone enjoy the holiday weekend!


Fran @ Sassy Southern Bride said...

Yay for long weekends and getaways! Enjoy your trip.

Allena said...

That track suit! I might die!

Allena said...

That track suit! I might die!

Alayna said...

love it that she likes the sit n spin!!! can't believe it's your fourth already - crazy!

starnes family said...

Yay for ski trips!

Jack and Lainey had puma track suits similar to Shelby's. Darling!

donatelli98 said...

Love the track suit! My girls had a few too! In fact Lacey prefers Nike soccer pants over anything else in the winter. She hates jeans and doesn't wear them!! Have fun this weekend!

Annie said...

Hope you guys are enjoying the beach! Shelby is too cute in that running outfit! Future marathoner!

Sara said...

Hope you are having a great time at the beach! Where are you going in the mountains?