Until then -- what's been going on around here and a few pictures from our weekend which was pretty low key.
It started out Friday night with homemade pizza night at our house! We love doing this! I'm not going to lie -- I'm a sucker for pizza.
Granted it's not the healthiest thing to eat but you have to do it every now and then.
Speaking of that -- I was reading the latest issue of People magazine where they interview Jennifer Aniston and ask her about her diet and exercise regime. She responds that she doesn't eat crap and that she can't remember the last time she ate a cheeseburger.
Granted -- I guess it's her job to be in tip top shape all the time but I believe life is too short not to eat a cheeseburger or brie and crackers every now then. Do you agree?

I made a little wine display in our house with a few bottles of wine that I really like. Kind of fun.

For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis you know we're winos. On Saturday we drove up to my in-laws house that is about an hour away to get Buddy back(they have been watching him since our Charleston trip).
My MIL had been invited to a Valentine's Day wine tasting so we went with them.
It was kind of neat...
It's one of my MIL's friends who owns a wine business that specializes in South American wines. I don't know too much about these wines so this was different. They had a warehouse full of vino!

Several of which we bought. I didn't take any pictures of us tasting because I felt a little weird about busting out the camera.

Afterwards my MIL and I went to a cute little store in their town of Salisbury. It's called Carolina Lily and is set in two old farm houses.
All sorts of gifts and fun stuff in there. My MIL bought me the cutest headband that I will reveal in the next few weeks.

If you are ever in this area you have to stop by! They also do tea parties for kids and much more. Click here for their website.

Buddy was happy to see us after a week! He gets so spoiled there but we miss him!!

As many of you know, my in-laws live on a lake and we spend tons of time there in the spring and summer.
That's why it was weird to see the lake this way.
They drained the lake!!
OMG! so weird! This is the same area where we chill out on noodles and float around. Now it's just dirt!
They've started filling it back up but in the cove that my in-laws live in they will need a lot of rain to get back up.

We stayed the night up at the lake and were looking forward to coming home and riding our bikes and doing something outside since it was in the mid-60's here today.
My in-laws got up early this morning and headed up to Blacksburg, VA for the Va Tech basketball game. Blacksburg is about a 2/12 or 3 hour drive from where they live.
After packing up the car, and the dog -- we looked around for our car keys. NoWhere.to.be.FOUND?!
After searching the entire house we realized that my MIL accidentally put them in her purse! Again, they are 3-hours away at this point and we also realize that there are no other keys to our car or their truck at the house.
What to do?
Well we can stay at the house until 7pm until they get home from the Burg?
* Or.. drive their antique convertible car home to Charlotte(an hour away)
Granted -- it was in the 60's today but driving down an interstate at 70-miles an hour is still cold!
I have never laughed so hard in my life!! Brad, on the other hand, wasn't as thrilled with the Sunday adventure.

yumm!!!! pizza and wine sounds like a perfect sunday to me!
OMG. Why did they drain the lake?
Wow, that's crazy. Cute car :)
Excellent weekend! Also low key. Beach, movie, babysitting right now for friends.
Love the car!
ps - I've also heard that Jennifer Aniston's favorite food is Mexican. And, also that she indulges regularly. Kind of contradicts the burger comment?
We are so twins - right down to the red MG! Dan's mother had one as a teen, and his brother + Dan restored it years ago. We must be winos in real life together one day!
Nice one Dee!!
too funny! sounds like something that would happen to us. so, how and why did they drain the lake?
Pizza and wine sounds pretty damn good right now, which is bad because it's 6 am lol!
pizza + wine = happy. and francis coppola pinot noir is my favorite.
i used to drive a blue MG in high school. my daddy bought me a restored one for my 16th birthday...and then i wrecked it...oops.
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