#1. Our niece Hannah made the front page of the Baton Rouge Advocate Sunday! She's the one on the far left with the blond hair.
Yes, it's Mardi Gras season down there and, being that she's 16-years old, she's learning how to party with the best of them at parades.

#2. Blogs are always asking questions like, 'where would be your dream place to live?'
I always say Lake Tahoe because it's just as fabulous in the summer as in the winter. Since I lived in Reno for a year or so, I still have friends that live out that way.
One is a former director of mine. He's always posting pictures on Facebook to make everyone jealous.
Back Country skiing at Castle Peak with your dog on the slope with you? One word: Awesome! He said he generally runs behind him as he skis.
This isn't him but a friend.

Here's Gary. He's a total rock star. He has and always will be obsessed with skiing. In the summer he goes to Argentina for a month to continue skiing.
Yeh -- I can't keep up with him.
Isn't this beautiful?
North Star Resort in Tahoe. I asked him if was Squaw at first and he said --'No, can't you tell? There aren't 50-other people around me.'

But -- jealous as I am -- after I saw this picture over the weekend that he posted I was glad to be in my short sleeves sitting outside in 70-degree weather.

#3. Since college I have been obsessed with true crime stories. I read every book written about the OJ trial and Scott Peterson along with other cases(Jon Benet and Michael Skakel to name a few).
So you know I was all about watching the Amanda Knox movie on Lifetime last night. Such a sad story all around.
I still am undecided on what happened or who did it? I DO think Amanda was too high to know what was going on.
Was it a sex game? Seems far fetched but who knows? What do you all think?

#4. We've found our new favorite place to grocery shop here in Charlotte. Aldi! Do you all have one of these where you live? Between here, Trader Joe's and Sam's -- we're good to go.
Aldi is cheap! Granted, I would NOT buy all of my groceries in there but overall - a good deal!

#5. Just when I thought I had all of my name changing done I got a notice in the mail to renew the registration on my car.
The name on the registration? Wallace instead of Stephens. ARGH! So, Friday I braved the DMV and after one-hour had it all taken care. I'm just waiting for something else to pop up.
#6. Last but not least - SIL Robyn is done with chemo!!!! Can I get a WOOHOO!!?? We are so proud of her and all her courage since her breast cancer diagnosis in the Fall.
What's new in your world?

Yeah Robyn!! Awesome news!! Never heard of Aldi ... Tahoe pictures are beautiful!!
Thanks for the shout out Dee - so happy! :)
Woohoo! That's awesome for Robyn! Congrats!
Aldi - which one do you all go to? Do you just buy canned goods and chips etc. there or what do you get? I've never been in one.
Yeah, congrats to Robyn! That is such wonderful news.
We have an Aldi in Frisco. Maybe we should check it out...
I am bummed I missed the Amanda Knox story..I was hoping to catch it- maybe they'll replay it (shurg) I have heard of Aldi (and I think we have one downtown) but here Wegmans is king.
Whoo hoo, I hope she is feeling better!
I don't know if I could move to tahoe. I only like the snow when I'm indoors with a hot buttered rum!
Yay for Robyn!!! COngrats!
Were you obsessed w/ the preppy murder back in the 80's? Or the Menedez Brothers?? I get very wrapped up in true crime, too, though I HATED covering crime when I worked in news!
Hey...that grocery store is an int'l chain...too bad there isn't one in Bulgaria yet :(
So excited for you SIL!!! Congrats!
Yay for Robyn!!
I have brain mush right now & only think it is going to get worse as the week goes on. :(
Everyone keeps talking about that Lifetime movie. I have no idea who Amanda Knox is. I am going to have google it. I feel out of the loop on this one. We an Aldi somewhere around here. I always thought it was a ghetto grocery. I may have to check it out unless of course it really is in the ghetto.
Happy to hear about Robyn!
Aldi was big in the Midwest. I honestly never went!
LOVE Trader Joes and the like. We have a dozen versions of them out here. Fabulous. Always fresh.
Sweet baby Jesus, I miss skiing.
Great news on Robyn!! Congrats to her!!!
We have an Aldi, but I've never been. I've heard good and bad things about it.
That skiing looks fabulous. Still can't believe I went to Colorado 3 weeks ago and didn't get to ski. Such a bummer!
I started watching the Amanda Knox movie last night, but then got sidetracked. I'm sure it'll be on a few more times. I'll have to catch it.
I recorded the Amanda Knox movie. I haven't watched it yet, but have a feeling that's going to be what I am doing on Friday night. I'll get back to you with a verdict. Just based off of other shows I've watched though...she's guilty.
1. I've not heard of this Amanda Knox movie. I LOVE true crime stories as well. I'll have to look for it!
2. We, of course, have no Aldi :( Not even a TJs. Hmph.
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