Today has been a great day because:
* got dressed as if I was going to work. Switch into sweats looking and looking hot ;)
* took The Buddy for a fun walk in the snow
* conference call with work
* talked with editor from work about what needed to be done for my video
* stripped and washed bedding
* washed all the laundry that had not been done over the weekend and hung it to dry
* cleaned and reorganized two closets
* made Pioneer Woman's tortilla soup
* another conference call
* vacuum the whole upstairs after doing it this weekend
* talked to Mom
* another walk with Buddy
* get ready for hubs to come home
Tons of funs? Hmmm.. Brad, himself recogonized I was a bit bored. Could I ever be a SAHM? HMMM..probably not.
For now it's all about the SEC winning the National Championship~!!!

We are so much alike! It took me a while to get used to it. My first attempt was a fail and I went back to work!
Oh la la I saw that tortilla recipe on her website today and I was very tempted. Instead I made chili. Such a soup day.
Sounds like a productive days - sounds awesome!!
Very productive!! Just remember that when you have a kid or kids, those things that you did today will take you three times as long to do.
I can fold a load of laundry in 10 minutes if Hudson is asleep. If he's awake, it takes more like 30 minutes.
I'm not sure I could ever stay home full time, but I sure did enjoy my 10 weeks maternity leave. Part time would be ideal for me!!
I loved being a stay-at-home mom! Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! But, I know it's not for everyone.
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